Sunday, September 7, 2014

Sitting in Your Self Made Guck....or Flying Free...

I read some pages of misery and pondered on why this keeps happening for certain people...looking through a glass darkly!   why don't they bloody change and see how wonderful all really is...always a choice for us to sit in shit or fly free....I know I always go North!!!!!enjoy

Just the way it is.....  When the lites go out on Broadway...oh oh oh!!!
Where to go you ask
Always your choice

There is no special place
Found here
No great perception
No great fear

You keep on coming back for more
When will you have enough
Crying all the time
Over spilt milk
Not a way to go


We all search
For what we think we need
End up most time with wants
They cannot succeed
Take you into pit of despair
Always wanting more
And more
And more

The path you are on...

Angry you then become
Blaming others
Silly one!

An endless path you do tread on
Leads it doth to doom and gloom
Then perpetrate on other folk
Pull them down to where you dwell
In your self made hell

Not friends at all

Do yourself a favour
And all those around
Be happy
Playful too
All the things that make life fun

Yet so often I do see
How 'friends' commiserate
All they really do
Is re-affirm your misery
Make it ok for you to have

Not friends are they
The worst enemies you could find
Give you reason to continue
In your self inflicted pain

End of guck...

So how to end this piece of guck...based it is on someone who always whines about her problems instead of doing something positive to change them. And on those who support her in her misery. ..
Change or forever hold your peace!!!!!

and so it is...


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hereHeave or Hell...Your Choice!
hereSeal it With a Kiss..
hereAncient Wisdoms from an Ancient Wayshower
hereDeath of the Queen of Justice..

youtube for the video and music
The One Who Writes Within
My friends for the pics
J-R for all His Wisdoms

pics from wikipedia commons and photos (images) used with permission of my personal friends

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