Monday, June 30, 2014

July 2014 Horoscopes for you....


ARIES (March 21 – April 19)
The projects you have been working on should come to completion now and you can sit back and congratulate yourself for the effort. Financial rewards have and will be forthcoming. On July 17 courageous Jupiter moves into your House of Fun and Play so enjoy it whilst you may. The shining Sun also will be in this House affording you much personal pleasure more so than at any other time.
Must do: enjoy it all
Memorable day: July 18
TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)
Juggling between career and home will take up quite a bit of time. Also watching your health is part of the picture for this month. With warrior Mars moving into your House of Partnerships on July 18 conflicts in your marriage or personal relationships could escalate. Work at not letting negativity creep into them. Your finances are looking good because you have been responsible where money is concerned
Must do: watch carefully
Memorable day: July 14

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)
There is much going on regarding your finances this month..more so than at any other time. Your House of Money is most powerful this month as if you have the Midas touch! On July 22 the radiant Sun and expansive Jupiter join forces in your House of Communication enabling you to find ways to increase your knowledge and share it in diverse ways.
Must do: be patient
Memorable day: July 18

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
This is a time of well being for you and will continue through the month. On July 18 seductive Venus will be in your House of Personality and a good time it will be to spruce up your wardrobe so you feel good about how you look The Love planet also opens up some beautiful aspects during the month for you to enjoy at home and maybe abroad. Travelling will be a pleasure especially if you can visit some interesting places.
Must do: pay attention
Memorable day: July 11

LEO (July 23 – August 22)
Although you work very well in the world your House of Inner Knowing is opening up doors of pyschic awereness within you and you may sometimes prefer not to look in that direction but you might find it of great help to you. This knowing continues till July 23 and some life changing experiences may be happening. A cycle of prosperity starts on July 17 when Jupiter, the dispenser of Good Fortune, enters your sign
Must do: be confident
Memorable day: July 19

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)
Being independent is something that stirs you strongly can make your life the way you want it to be without stepping on others toes. Standing up in the honesty of who your truly are will earn respect and recognition both in your career and personal relationships. There is a lot of power in your House of Ideals as the month progresses especially after July 17.
Must do: use your power wisely
Memorable day: July 22

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)
There are some poweful changes going on in your horoscope. You may have to work on personal independence instead of relying on others. It also means for you to take more charge of your life: what makes you happy? what pleases you:? what do you want more of? Getting the answers and checking them out first before making changes is important especially when aspirational Jupiter moves into your House of Ideals on July 17.
Must do: pursue your dreams
Memorable day: July 17

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)
Although you have had to handle upheavals in your career they can only point the way to future success if you learn from them. Sometimes this can be difficult but if you choose to do so then doors will open that lead to even great prosperity for you. The shining Sun in your House of Philosophy till July 22 can prove to be one of the happiest periodsof the year. Health, wealth and happiness indeed!
Must do: watch your health
Memorable day: July 16

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)
This can be a very harmonious time for you although there are some important changes coming forward. They are of a positive nature and could include some foreign travel. On July 20 Saturn the planet of finance starts forward again so look out for stuck situations finally coming to fruition. You are attuned to your House of Learning so after July 23 the cosmos will be supporting you in your endeavours.
Must do: enjoy your good luck
Memorable day: July 9

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)
Both physical and mental health need to be watched this month..not with concern but so that you choose well being and do the things that promote such. There have been some stressful aspects from expiosive Jupiter and aggressive Mars but these will be moving away July 17 and July 18. Now you can enjoy your social life with some romance tucked in too. I n fact the most wonderful romantic aspects are happening for you.
Must do: enjoy it all
Memorable day: July 15

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)
Cupid has a hand on his bow and arrow and you may find it landing in your heart.. Romance is playing its hand especially between July 24 and July 27. You may be in a marrying mood but do check it out! Disruptive Uranus starts moving backwards on July 22 so you need to bolster your personal goals. Your self confidence may be shook but will soon return to its usual dynamic strength.
Must do: keep a clear focus
Memorable day: July 24

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)
This will be a happy month when you can be playful and have fun. Also your career is in a good place but be aware that on July 17 far reaching Jupiter moves into your House of Work and you will need to participate more fully in your business relationships. There are positive aspects in play regarding your finances when self directed Mars moves into intense Scorpio on July 18.
Must do: the best you can
Memorable day: July 15


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Friday, June 27, 2014

All IS that Will BE


I Am that I AM
You could be too
The only Oneness ever seen

Yet beyond the ken of man
A calling of spirit quite divine
Soaring high into sublime
Angels smile as we draw near
Higher and higher as we rise
Into Oneness of Being
Journeying into infinity
Where only God abides

All doth abide

Why question this is going on
Miss you do the point
Why first you came to be
Part of the blessedness of All that IS
Sublime energy

You have to know the steps to take
Most will not understand
That is fine
One day will reach that pinnacle
Where All doth abide

Prepared for you

Can only Be for you
When ready you are
To open that door
Leading to what I write about

Before languish you will
In mediocrity
Yet this so perfect is
Till come into understanding
All that is prepared for you

Glorious is All...

A journey long and arduous
Yet filled with light
For deep inside you know
What doth await

All the trials and tribulations
Well worth the while
A smile upon my face now creeps
For I know what I write about
It is Glorious

always has been
always will......


It is true that the lessons you "fail" in life will come around again. You'll get another opportunity to see if you learned. When you do learn to pass a test, you will have achieved mastery of that area and may no longer be tested on that.

- John-Roger, D.S.S.
(From: The Spiritual Family)


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hereNew Beginnings..Old Endings...

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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A Parable on the Unfairness of Life....

Land of Reflected Light

In this land of reflected light
Nothing is fair
Nothing is reality
Only what we think we see or hear

There are those who corrupt with fear
Who take their karma in both hands
And lay it thick and heavy
On those they hate

We see this happen all the time
Hatred deep inside of them
Curdles like milk gone sour
Disturbing all their natural resource
Changing forever into a muddied stream


Rue the day they will
When put this into motion
Clouds of darkest miasma
Cover them

Coiling around fascia
Roiling round their brain
Organs stop their function
Cells split off and disappear

These the dangers of what hatred can do

Multifarious activities

There is no fairness in this world
Only deceptions
Multifarious they be
Found everywhere
Done by many
Recognized by few
So cleverly wrought
Sometimes not so

In blood are stained

Trust is easily gained
Easily given away
Comes sugar coated
Poisoned pills
Slipped into coffee
On top of cereal
Wherever it can be placed

Written with dangerous intent
Intended to misinform
So clever are some at that
Hire people to write for them
Do their dirty work

Those whose fingers in blood are stained

and so it is

Sunday, June 22, 2014

A Tiskit ...A Taskit....I lost My Little Basket.....ha ha ha

A Tiskit ...A Taskit....

  • Who play

    A whole new world 
    May come to be
    If you allow it so
    When writing what you know
    Out in the sparkling universe
    Are those who who love to play
    Creating whole new worlds
    What they choose to do that day

    Taking all sorts of forms
    Thoughts and feelings too
    If you add the power of imagination
    God help you

    Technology a big hoot

    More and more I find
    How technology has failed
    And those who promote
    Unable to fix or mend

    The slowest turn to check a page
    And then becomes denied
    All your hard work disappears
    The word they use is supersede

    This oft doth happen of late
    Yet I am not one to give up
    Never will
    I keep on persevering on
    And on and on and on.....

    Storm in a Teacup

    A storm in a teacup all it really is
    Fantastical words and images
    Play in front of you
    Where is the reality
    Does it belong to who

    The Lord of Negativity
    They call him Kal Niranjan
    Will keep on doing all he can
    To block and upset everyone

    That is his job for sure
    One he does so bloody well
    Unless you ignore the chaos
    He tries to bring about
    Thumb your nose at him and his
    A finger too will do
    For that can make you laugh
    Ha ha he he

    A Bowl of Cherries

    As I wrote once before
    Life is a bowl of cherries
    Red and ripe and sharp
    If one a tiny blemish has
    Then throw it out

    Same with people in your life
    If no integrity
    Let them go to
    Walk their own path
    But not inflict on yours

    The more you say to go away
    The more they follow you
    I do not know why it works this way
    But interesting is indeed
    Try saying oh please follow me
    Then they will turn away
    At least I hope so!!!!!

    and so it is...

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Anonymous...A Second Take..

A Second Take

I watched the film Anonymous
What a great movie it is forsooth
This second time around for me
I closely watched the nuances
More deeply involved to see

There might be truths therein
For always it can be
A little far fetched in reality
Although often have been told
Shakespeare a ghost writer may have used
To me this always meant
All from within came through
As it doth for me

Master of Words

Visited Stratford on Avon many times
Grew up quite near to there
So much history gathered around
Cottages, buildings, schools a few

Relating to the Bard's early days
An education brilliant had he
Completely ignored in this film
Made out he was uneducate
Did not know even how to write
No idea of alphabet

Yet I studied with him
The Master of Words
So knowledgeable was he


Yes they showed his passion very well
How he just wrote and wrote and wrote
All he ever wanted to do
Words spilled out on parchment white
Black ink covered every page
Scratch scratch went goose quilled pen
Tearing through the night
Each day another masterpiece
Became important play
History, murder, blood and lust
Just a few subjects he wrote about

Every subject

The author of all Shakespeare's works
The film made Duke of Southampton the man
A very highborn nobleman
With Elizabetta the Queen
Had a son
Known as Lord Essex

William Cecil vicious politician
Poisoned the Queen's mind against her son
She had him done to death
Probably rued the day
If it were true!!
Who really knows
And now who cares

We are blessed having Shakespeare's works
Fill our days and nights with joyous celebration
Words words words
Running cross pages filling our minds
On every subject known to man
And some not

In his works are metaphors
Of life and living
Of right and wrong
Non earthly things
Great truths standing out so clear
At least to some

and so it is


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hereOrchestra of Life
hereOde to the Master of Words
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Friday, June 20, 2014

Freedom that Comes with Choices....Make Wise and Loving Ones

This is about the quietness of infinity.  You are breathed by God loved by Him too no matter what you do.  God loves all of His Creation and always will.  Man in his irresponsible way does not leading to pain and return to pay for his misdeeds.

The Sound

Quietness profound
Stillness in eternity
No noise doth penetrate
Only the Sound
That God gave to all mankind
A gift

In the beginning was the Word
That became manifest
Not in a bible or a building
Inside each one of us
Kingdoms come and kingdoms go
All earthly treasures disappear
Whom we are
What we do
Recorded tiniest minutia
Lords of Karma this they do


When to this place you arrive
Giving up fleshly remains
What you have going for you
Are your good deeds
The ones you did when alive

Even good thoughts and feelings too
Part of the matrix of your beingness
All recorded in ways supreme
By Greater Ones
And the One inside of you

Journey all must matter who

Angels there are worshipping the Sound
Stand they do at Gates of Paradise
Guarding in most loving way
Nothing of harm can enter in

If you but knew
Call in the Light
Go to the Heart
Expand into Christ Consciousness
Which lies so deep within

No where else is there to go
When you begin
Your journey into the Heart of God
A journey all must take

What Is will Be
and so it Is....

Monday, June 16, 2014

Above...What Is Below....

What lies above

Summer time approacheth
When sun burns down
Its beams hot and bright
Yet in the universe above
Cold it is

Freezing temperatures there
I wonder why

The universe so way up high
Surrounding all
Yet over one hundred one there are
Floating around somewhere

Can you imagine
More like us
What a pity that might be
Or a joyful circumstance maybe

Sum total

Planets circle endlessly
Each one a place intrigue
We wonder what goes on up there
Yet visit we do in our dreams
Even lifetimes spent
In other forms
Experiencing what we need
Becoming a sum total of all

Yet some still think
We the only ones in this universe abide
Their whole world circles round
This tiny planet earth
Which has been over and over
Again and again

All one...

Fourth yuga now we're in
400 billion years each one
Were you around since then?
Some were

Fascinating this to ponder on
Someone commented on my page
About my constant play with life
And death

To me they are but one
A movement of spiritual inner awareness going on
At ending of life's span
Into the next one we do go
How fascinating this is so

True loving

Thousands of lifetimes spent carousing
Doing what we wanted to
Now day of reckoning arrives
Where are you....

Mollycoddled perhaps in arms of one
Professing lifelong love
The one day did turn away
Left you all alone to nurse your misery

Yet big favour they did for you
Now you can focus on your soul
Where true loving dot
h exist
Nothing else at all

and so it is.....


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hereIf Only Wishes could come true
hereWords...What a Way to Go...
hereMan of Integrity...Steven Kinsman doth Be
hereDownfall of a Once Kindly Man

Sunday, June 15, 2014

If Only Wishes Could Come True

Oh if you could wish upon a star and have your wishes all come true...but that exists only in nana noonoo land...the reality is we have to work to accomplish and those who don't oft fall by the wayside...especially if looking for a free ride through life...enjoy


When you wish upon a star
Just like in the fairytale
Perhaps your wishes will come true
Most likely not
A wise man said to me one day
Go out and work
Sweat of your brow
That way you make your dreams come true
I also know for sure
What will be will be
For that is waiting to come in
Just like a second scene
Hiding behind the first
Turn the pages and there it is

In Vain...

Dont raise your hands in vain
Waiting for it to appear
You might wait till kingdom comes
The one that never will arrive

Why were you given two hands
A mind ability
Well it might be filled with mostly junk
As most peoples' are today

They seem to think
Life owes them a living
After all here they are
Standing in their egoic space
Never finishing the race
Why should they
As I said before
Life owes them a living
So they think

Fertile soil

A likely tale here I tell
Fun to write indeed
Pulling out the stops
Oft wonder where they lead

Some land on deaf ears
Thus disappear
Others in fertile soil do grow
Into a thought
An action maybe
To do something with a life
Instead of lying on the ground
Bemoaning it to all around

Full circle

Another friend did say
Two and two make three
Depending on which scale you use

I thought on that for just a while
Wondering how it could be
Then I realized how magical numbers are
When play with them you do

Pythagoras a master of this
He made them come alive
Taught ways of seeing life
Maybe a way to make dreams come true

So now full circle we have come
Hope you enjoyed the ride...

and so it is


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hereWords..words..What A Way to Go
hereA Last Journey through Keyhole Door
hereThe Journey We all Must Take
hereA Life to Live..A Path to Walk

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Being Now...a Mighty Choice


Male and female we have been
Experiencing what we needed to
Finding out weakness and strengths
All along our different ways

Paths we walked some high
Some low
So varied they could be
Chose we did to wander
So into higher state could grow

Evolving all the time


If you could only know
How many lifetimes you have lived
The different things that you have done
Good and bad
But they are gone

Now is the only time that you exist
In this moment of right now
That comes and goes so rapidly
Hang onto it you cannot
Neither can anyone
Try it if you will

Let the dead bury the dead

If you look back with regret
At what you might have done
Then you are living memories
Not reality

That takes you out of context with right now
Not handling what is at hand
Then wonder you when all goes wrong

Listen carefully
Forget the past
It is over gone
Let the dead bury the dead
A great man once said

A glorious choice

Always choices for you to take
Living now or in the past
Watch carefully what takes place
When either choice you make

See which works the best for you
Play serendipity
Change now what irks you from the past
Make into something wonderful
A smile comes on your face

You have made a glorious choice
Bringing all the skeins of life together
Into a string of shining pearls
Count upon your fingers
All the good things you do know

and so it is....


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hereOther Beings there are in Mortal Form
hereLessons of Life
hereCrucible of the Heart
hereLifetimes...The Search