Saturday, November 29, 2014

Herbs, The Aphrodisiacs of Love and health and harmony and healing

Herbs, The Aphrodisiacs of Love and health and harmony and healing

A fascinating article covering the history, ancient lore and beliefs regarding herbs, their aphrodisiacal properties, medicinal and culinary uses. A sweet, somewhat different perception of some well-known and much loved herbs.
The Ancient and Modern Uses, Virtues, Delights and Magickal Properties of Herbs

From time immemorial lovers have sort after Elixirs of LOVE, and Aphrodisiacs to enhance the experience of their joining.

In olden days, wise women would brew herbs and potions to be sipped but most of them were then burned as witches. These women steeped in the old ways knew all about herbs and the effects they would have both as Aphrodisiacs and other medicinal uses. Nowadays we have doctors prescribing pills many of which were derived originally from herbs but now with new fangled technology, nearly anything can be modified.

But let us return to Herbs where it is stated ‘Better is a dish of herbs where love is than a fatted ox and hatred with it’ –Proverbs 15:17

Starting with Rosemary. In The Queen’s Delight of 1695, it was written that, “It comforteth the heart, the stomach, the brain and all the nervous parts of the body”. Actually its medicinal properties do stimulate the brainand nervous system, and calm palpitations. The ancient Greeks discovered that Rosemary benefits the circulation. Add it to roasting lamb and it tastes even better if anchovies are used too. Push a sprig of rosemary, a small piece of peeled garlic and about half a tinned anchovy into each stab in the lamb flesh. Munch on a sprig or two as a breath freshener (that will delight your love partner).

Fennel seems to be more male oriented and is a symbol of FERTILITY. It was given to Roman Gladiators to add to their relish for battle and the athletes of Ancient Greece ate it when preparing for the Olympic Games. Use it to make a delicious salad with thinly sliced onion and tomatoes cut in quarters. The mixing of fennel juice and milk with honey, sugar and liquorice in equal quantities is said to enhance Sexual Vigour whilst today’s Breast enhancing creams often contain fennel and fenugreek, a natural source of oestrogen.

Some more fascinating qualities and uses of Herbs, a gift from Mother Nature

Believed by the Arabs to increase virility, Mint is used today by herbalists for cases of impotence and when infused in hot milk eases stomach pain. Both the Greeks and the Romans knew the digestive benefits of following a large meal with mint tea so our habit of eating after-dinner mints dates all the way back to those ancient banquets! Add a little chopped mint to omelettes and scrambled eggs in the final cooking stage, and how about the ‘hint of mint in Murray Mints!’.

Sage gained a reputation as the medieval gentleman’s cure for all ailments. But as written by Walt Whitman describing the amorous pollen-gathering of ‘the hairy wild bee that…grips the full-grown ladyflower, curves upon her with amorous firm legs, takes his will of her’ on a bed scented by sage and birch-bark. It was valued in Ancient Greece and Rome as a mental stimulant and today’s research is looking at sage to defeat Alzheimer’sdisease. Sage in cheese, sage in stuffing for turkeys and pork, and as a tisane to benefit digestion, skin, memory and emotional state. Infuse an ounce of dried leaves with an ounce of sugar, the juice of a lemon and a pinch of grated lemon rind in a quart of boiling water, strain after half an hour.

Thyme is beloved of writers perhaps its name has mystical, creative energy. It is also the symbol of thumos, the spirit of force and courage which was embroidered by ladies on their loved ones scarves before sending them off to the jousts. Shakespeare’s Titania was sleeping on a bank ‘whereon the wild thyme blows’ and along came Puck who dropped the optically deluding liquid upon her lids. Thyme scented bathwater was also supposed to increase the valour of Roman soldiers, and Paul Morel took Miriam out after supper for a quick cuddle on a bankof sweet thyme beside the river at Eastwood. There are over a hundred species of this herb with silver-leafed thymes having the best flavour.

The flowers of Meadowsweet were used by two chemists at Bayer dyeworks in 1897 to produce acetylated spiralic acid otherwise known as aspirin. The Druids used three sacred herbs – water mint, vervain and meadowsweet for what it is not known whilst Elizabethans used it as strewing herbs because of its delicate fragrance. ‘No wonder’, wrote John Gerard, ‘the smell thereof makes the heart merrie and joyful and delighteth the senses.’ Nowadays a lovely touch for wedding night preparations is to arrange for your bedroom floor to be covered with herbs of Venus (erotic love) and Mars (combat). Venus herbs are marjoram, mint, thyme, meadowsweet, verbena, valerian and violet. Scatter basil and broom flowers for the Mars man.

Rich in Vitamin C and calcium, Parsley is known for its warming effects and benefit to the digestion. Hand parsley to any young lady who wishes to become pregnant and, perhaps, as per Nicholas Culpeper suggests, smear fried parsley over aching breasts. The Italian sauce Gremolada is made by sautéing chopped parsely with minced garlic, lemon zest and a squeeze of lemon, spread over braising meat just before serving. A delicious way to enhance Osso Bucco and other meats.

More best loved Herbs and their uses...

“…fair Venus raised the plant, which from the Goddess’ touch derived its scent”
Aphrodite’s sweet breath is reputed to have created the scent of Wild Marjoram and its purpose in Love potions was to relax the inhibited. Ancient Greeks made use of it to cure rheumatism, narcotic poisoning and depression and for its anti-toxic properties. Known as the herb of JOY, it was used by William Shakespeare in his The Winter’s Tale where Perdita tempts an admiring suitor into her power with the prospect of inhaling ‘ hot marjoram,lavender, mints and savory’. For salad dressings, sweet marjoram is delicious whilst for meat based sauces and pasta dishes use wild marjoram.

One of the most loved herbs is Lavender and its name is thought to come from the Latin lavare, by way of the Romans who used it as bath perfume. Legend tells us that Mother Mary dried the baby Jesus’s swaddling sheets on lavender bushes. Lavender water is good for the skin and pinching its flowers releases a little oil which can be rubbed into the most Intimate of places. Lavender vinegar can be made by infusing a few sprigs in a bottle of white vinegar, leaving it on a sunny window ledge for around 14 days and then try a delicious taste treat – sprinkle on fresh strawberries.

So my friends do enjoy your Herbs and use them plentifully and with loving...

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Powers Latent in Man...

Many moons ago I was fortunate enough to read about the work of Dr. Jonas who dared to investigate the Laws of Nature and Natural Man himself. How energy works as a power inside and outside of us all. Some readers now will disagree entirely but those who access both inner and outer wisdom will find it of consequence. Read on....

Ancient Works

This is taken from a pamphlet I read many moons ago and isthe work of Dr. Jonas who dared to investigate the Laws of Nature and Natural Man himself.

Like the famous Arabian physician, Rhazes, he believed that no doctor can fully come to grips with the vast subject of Medicine without heeding the writings and teachings of those ancient Physicians who cared for mankind for thousands of years before our own age.

He studied the works of ancient Egyptian, Greek and Indian writers which dealt with biological matters. Some referred to astrology and the effects of heavenly bodies on the world of Nature.

Natural Sources of Energy

One of the sources of energy of a Natural kind that is overlooked is found in the atmosphere itself and in our surroundings. The discharge of static electricity from the clouds to the earth in what we call lightning. Occultists regarded this as the outward expression of the raising of the kundalini, the spiritual firethat rises up the spine of man and opens the chakras with their associated latent powers.
This has been an arousal of the planetary kundalini which has proceeded for millions of years below the level of planetary consciousness. Now, the fire is being raised consciously by the planetary intelligence which is man himself. We store static electricity in our bodies, hair and clothing and occasionally discharge it into our surroundings and feel the discharge like unpleasant little shocks. Walking on a nylon carpet is just one.

Healing Energy of the Christ

The storage of this energy in the body can be tremendous up to voltage of 300,000 volts but the amperage is small. The parallel of this forceful effect can be made with the healing force which flowed from the hem of Christ's gown is too obvious:

"And when the men of that place had knowledge of Him, they sent out
into all that country round about, and brought unto Him all that were
diseased and besought Him that they might only touch the hem of his
garments, and as many as were touched were made perfect or whole.."

(MATTHEW. 14:34-36)
"The whole multitude sought to touch Him for there went virtue out of
Him, and He healed them all."

(LUKE. 6:17-19)

The Christ force was not static electricity but static may act as a carrier wave for soul energy. Static may have a temporary stabilizing effect on the sick so that the healing force of the Christ can act more effectively.

Ionization and the Teachings of the Ages

Conditions in the centre of pyramids were ideal for ionization and acts of healing and the rites of initiation. In the book, "The Third Eye", Lobsang Rampa tells of the caverns under the Potola at the Tibetan capital of LhasaWhen neophytes touched the walls sparks flew from the and their bodies were outlined in fire.

Something very special too is buried under the Sphinx but it may only be found when in the etheric body.

Plants ionize the atmosphere in a most beneficial way. They pour out negative ions through their stomata. By placing a potted plant above a generator of high tension direct voltage, with a smaller alternating current superimposed, we can turn plants into ionizers in our homes for therapeutic benefit. T

The teaching of the ages often refer to the benign effects of living in close proximity to certain plants which give out a vitalizing aura. The sensitivity of plants to the anger, fear, joy and love of humans has long been known. This is so true because when I returned from a trip, my ficus tree lifted its branches smiling to welcome me. And there many plant and fairy devas in my home and garden.

Believe or Disbelieve

You can go any way you want but these things still are taking place for they are part of the evolution of All Things.
Good, bad, indifferent, non believing, believing
It matters not

You will still be a day older tomorrow!!!

and so our story ends

Words that Could Be Cruel to Shake You Awake...if need be....

How to say nicely words that could be cruel..but then sometimes important to shake awake those who sleep in ignorance as their lives slip away...for nowadays it seems that ignorance is bliss for want of a better word....enjoy

As it is...

What to say
What to do
Bringing up of little folk
In such an awful way
Seems so prevalent 
All can see
Future maybe

I don't care
Won't be here to see

There they go

Marching feet
Masks on faces
One by one they go
Sheep to the slaughter

Reminds me of'
Great unwashed public

Being your self...

Think i will find a different way to spend my life
Away from all the noise and strife
Peace filled gardens
Nature's gifts

No need to show them
Whom you are
Just being you
For them enough


Search and find

Blurred images
Ilusionary fields to behold
Wrapped and covered
Not you at all

Search and find
The one who dwells within
Garden of many treasures

Not for those
Who cannot see
Beyond their ignoramity
Bet you never heard that word

Breaking barriers...

But then I have such fun with me
Going beyond
Where most folk fear to step
Caught up they are
'Twixt walls confined
Others opinions matter much
To them
But not to me

I flit from tree to tree
Word to word
Breaking barriers as I go
Twirling wand of magic-ness

as it should be....

Mithra...A Great Sage....

Early Days...

Once upon a time in ancient Mesopotamia there was born a child who was to become a teacher for many. At a young age he would wander through the busy marketplace of Babylon and speak to the people there but his favourite pastime was in observing people and what they said and did. His name was Mithra. 
His parents would look for him and often found him sitting at the side of the well in the middle of the busy marketplace engaged in lively discussions with beggars and at other times, he could be found in the temples talking about Truth to the priests.

The Reasons Why....

Mithra saw how the poor were despised by the rich and he saw how the rich ran roughshod over everyone else. He pondered on this for many hours wondering how such things could come about. And he was told within that the paths of these people, whether young or old, rich or poor, had been chosen by them, themselves. It was a way to clear the karma from other lifetimes, cause and effect which was carefully recorded in the annals of time, the Akashic Records.

Much to Ponder Over...

Growing up in this land where kings ruled with complete power over the life and death of their subjects, where great wealth was amassed by few and poverty known by many gave him much to think about. 
Mithra saw the beautiful temples and palaces, the hanging gardens and over all the glorious light shining down from the great Sun that appeared in the sky every day and he wondered at that. Who made the Sun, who made the Moon with its silvery light and most of all who created the earth? All these questions ran through his mind like mice scurrying through a maze.

His Search for Self ...

Mithra was determined to find answers and he started on a search through the length and breadth of Mesopotamia, the ancient kingdom of the Sumerians, who were replaced in turn by the Assyrians and the 
Babylonians. He came upon many strange sights and talked with many people who helped him open to the great teachings that come forward through enlightenment. He realized he was seaching for his Self and knew that would enable him to become one with all Selves.

His Mission...

As Mithra grew older, people started coming to him for advice on many subjects for he became known as a travelling teacher and was able to perform miracles. He travelled with a group of disciples who had given up their earthly belongings in order to be with this great master. 

Mithra's teachings were about Truth and the immortality of the Soul and he shared with his disciples ancient spiritual wisdoms that had come down through time. 

And so it was and is...

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Thor and the Nine Kingdoms

The mythical story of Odin and Thor and Asgard once again is a fable which reaches through time to inspire us today. And in the telling, you will find many truths for as it was, it is and as it is it was.

All Across Valhalla

From across lush green valleys and deeply bosomed hills came the sounds of harps and flutes and bells joining together in a cacophony of glorious music. Deep down into the chasms of Valhalla they penetrated bringing forth the dead warriors who abode there shaking their heads as if not believing in the music they were hearing for they had given up earthly delights and now lived in the dark underworld from which there was no return.

Far above the darkness of that terrible place, the pure light of day sparkled on latticed buildings covered with gold. Trellises of gleaming basalt topped rose coloured stone columns, and temples with spiral columns and rounded bronzed cupolas marched across the plains. Granite walls surrounded multi-faceted tiled floors and above all the copper domes bulged upwards and outwards forcing the eye to ascend and traverse immense spaces.

Before The Ages of Man

In the days of yore, beings without physical form lived in this magical land. Long before the Sun and Moon and Earth separated, the mission of Hu-man was set forth. Many rounds of time would cover millions of years before the mission would be completed, one of bringing Loving to the earth planet.

The Great Spirit Lord instructed the Seven Lords of the Sun of the work that was to be done and thus, in time, the Nine Worlds were formed for each part of the planet belonged to particular Gods who could order the waves, the winds, the earth, the moon and the stars and have them move and change, and yet there was order within all.

On the Sun however the Seven Lords’ mission was still set and their Logos was the Word that was with the Great Spirit Lord and was the Great Spirit God, Odin the Great Father.

The Nine Worlds

The Nine Worlds consisted of glaciers and mountains, silent valleys where trees and forest grew lush and dense and bodies of water flecked the land with spume when the winds blew across their surfaces. Each World brought forth its own quality impressed upon it by the Seven Lords.
The World of the Salamondo, the Ents whose job was taking care of trees and foliage.

Muspel Heim, World of the Fire people empowered to contain the fires started by firebolts from the heavens when the Gods battled in the heavens.

Darkalf Heim, World of the Dwarves who dug deep under the earth looking for treasures.

Midgard, the World of Humans who populated the earth as it was known at that time.

Jotun Heim, the World of Giants and Giantesses constantly vying for power in the mountains and chasms.

Alfheim, World of the Elves who practiced white magic, rode on Unicorns and were known for their great beauty.

The Valkyrie, Women Warriors who carried the dead to their resting place in Valhalla.

Asgard, home of the Aesir Gods and Goddesses.

Vanaheim, home of the Vanir Gods who ruled over mist and soft rain and were peaceful Gods.

The Great Yggdrasil

The great Ash Yggdrasil grew through all these lands and was worshipped by those who gazed upon its silvery green leaves and golden trunk and long twining branches that reached up into the heavens. They placed their prayers in tiny, bronzed cases and buried them deep in the soil around Yggdrasil.

Out of one side of this world tree, a multi-coloured bow traced its way across the sky in a huge arc. Colours ofred, a vibrant energy full of power and force, orange a continuing flow of energy, yellow bringing forth understanding, brilliant emerald green eschewing healing, azure blue for higher knowing and purple transmuting and changing and all who gazed upon this bow and prayed for the colours to work their magical qualities, knew their prayers would be answered.

this story will be continued as Part 11.