Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Charlie Chan...Sleuth...Mystery Solver Supreme

Going back to the 30's maybe but perhaps to a time when films were made with integrity and reality. Men and women who knew how to act and deserved the title actor. Besides these episodes of Charlie Chan's adventure are lots and lots of fun to watch..enjoy this review

Man of Mystery

A Chinese man for you to see
Filled with so much mystery

Charlie Chan his name
Movies of the thirties
His claim to fame 

Not like the films we see today
No animation or of that sort
Just straight reality
And good acting 
If overdone a bit sometimes
Crime Solver
Lots of fun to see
Lets your imagination runs wild
Murders galore and so much more
Each episode filed away
Brought up in memory another day

Mayhem in so many guises
Solving crimes wherever he goes
A sleuth supreme Charlie Chan he be
His art of detection a pleasure to see
Strange Forces on the Prowl

I love when to Egypt off he goes
Buried treasures to expose
Strange forces on the prowl
Pretenses of long dead mummies
Now alive

But in reality they be
Treasure hunters up to no good

Wanting for themselves alone
Gold and jewelry gorgeous to see
Buried in forgotten tombs

Shanghai Paris London too
So many cities across the world

Charlie Chan the mystery solves
Beautiful damsels in distress
Their charms all men want to possess

Jealousy greed sabotage too
Reasons to call Lieutenant Chan

From Honolulu he will come
Maybe too his eldest son
To assist in bumbling ways
Entrapment of those criminals
Black and White

So when you ready to enjoy
Mysteries galore
In Black and White

No colour here
Then turn you will to find
Lieutenant Chan right by your side
Urging you on to find what's right
Even in the dead of night

He Will Be There!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Powers Latent in Man

cnwriter..carolinaStarred Page
Many moons ago I was fortunate enough to read about the work of Dr. Jonas who dared to investigate the Laws of Nature and Natural Man himself. How energy works as a power inside and outside of us all. Some readers now will disagree entirely but those who access both inner and outer wisdom will find it of consequence. Read on....

Ancient Works

Rhazes, ancient Persian healer
This is taken from a pamphlet I read many moons ago and is the work of Dr. Jonas who dared to investigate the Laws of Nature and Natural Man himself.

Like the famous Arabian physician, Rhazes, he believed that no doctor can fully come to grips with the vast subject of Medicine without heeding the writings and teachings of those ancient Physicians who cared for mankind for thousands of years before our own age.

He studied the works of ancient Egyptian, Greek and Indian writers which dealt with biological matters. Some referred to astrology and the effects of heavenly bodies on the world of Nature.

Natural Sources of Energy

One of the sources of energy of a Natural kind that is overlooked is found in the atmosphere itself and in our surroundings. The discharge of static electricity from the clouds to the earth in what we call lightning. Occultists regarded this as the outward expression of the raising of the kundalini, the spiritual firethat rises up the spine of man and opens the chakras with their associated latent powers.
This has been an arousal of the planetary kundalini which has proceeded for millions of years below the level of planetary consciousness. Now, the fire is being raised consciously by the planetary intelligence which is man himself. We store static electricity in our bodies, hair and clothing and occasionally discharge it into our surroundings and feel the discharge like unpleasant little shocks. Walking on a nylon carpet is just one.

Healing Energy of the Christ

The storage of this energy in the body can be tremendous up to voltage of 300,000 volts but the amperage is small. The parallel of this forceful effect can be made with the healing force which flowed from the hem of Christ's gown is too obvious:

"And when the men of that place had knowledge of Him, they sent out
into all that country round about, and brought unto Him all that were
diseased and besought Him that they might only touch the hem of his
garments, and as many as were touched were made perfect or whole.."

(MATTHEW. 14:34-36)
"The whole multitude sought to touch Him for there went virtue out of
Him, and He healed them all."

(LUKE. 6:17-19)

The Christ force was not static electricity but static may act as a carrier wave for soul energy. Static may have a temporary stabilizing effect on the sick so that the healing force of the Christ can act more effectively.

Ionization and the Teachings of the Ages

Conditions in the centre of pyramids were ideal for ionization and acts of healing and the rites of initiation. In the book, "The Third Eye", Lobsang Rampa tells of the caverns under the Potola at the Tibetan capital of LhasaWhen neophytes touched the walls sparks flew from the and their bodies were outlined in fire.

Something very special too is buried under the Sphinx but it may only be found when in the etheric body.

Plants ionize the atmosphere in a most beneficial way. They pour out negative ions through their stomata. By placing a potted plant above a generator of high tension direct voltage, with a smaller alternating current superimposed, we can turn plants into ionizers in our homes for therapeutic benefit. T

The teaching of the ages often refer to the benign effects of living in close proximity to certain plants which give out a vitalizing aura. The sensitivity of plants to the anger, fear, joy and love of humans has long been known. This is so true because when I returned from a trip, my ficus tree lifted its branches smiling to welcome me. And there many plant and fairy devas in my home and garden.

Believe or Disbelieve

You can go any way you want but these things still are taking place for they are part of the evolution of All Things.
Good, bad, indifferent, non believing, believing
It matters not

You will still be a day older tomorrow!!!

and so our story ends

Ode to the One Within....Treasures there to find.....

cnwriter..carolinaStarred Page
Silly are you who lay your treasures up on this earthly realm for into nothingness they will go. Corrupt and decay them all. You cannot drive your BMW into the heavenly realms...even if you wish you could!!!!!

Karmic paths

Listen to the One within
Telling you where to begin
And where to end

Life runs its path through thick and thin
We wonder why

Lessons such are there to show
Reflections of our previous pasts
Time now to let all go
But first you need to learn them well
Or you will just return again

Words do not make them go away
Time after time you make the rounds
Action and attitude can help along
You really do need to be strong
Silly are You
Take bull by horns 
And shake his head
Up down up down and all around
Dizzy he then becomes

You too

You find your fingers are all thumbs
Which way to go you cry out loud
But no-one listens in the crowd
Care they not for you

You cannot have so many friends
They lead you here there everywhere
Till dizzy is your silly head
Your brain is working overtime

but nothing much therein is there

Promises from long ago

Bravo bravo I hear them cry
Reach we will into the sky
And find the treasures way up there
The ones that promised were to us
Ages gone by

and still they keep on searching

Foolish are they they do not know
That treasures of an earthly kind
Decay they do

Returning once again to the nothingness
From which they came

Cars, gold, people too
From dust do come and thus return
Mayhap in a different way
But truly it is all the same

The only treasures eternal are
Those that in heaven you do lay
and so it is..