Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Perpetrators and Victims of Wars...

 In the hands of monsters are placed the lives of innocent young men and so many people endorse this. So this is my point of view...enjoy...the video by Creedence Clearwater is most powerful...

  • Killing of Young Men

    War such a terrible thing
    No need for it at all
    Except for those
    Who worship it the most

    Billions of dollars spent
    To implement
    The killing of young men
    Who beguiled by patriotism
    Lies told to them
    There cannot be peace with war
    Impossible it is
    But down through history
    Seen we have this happen
    Over and over again

    Dead Sons

    How many mothers go to sleep
    Tears upon their cheeks
    Knowing that their sons are dead
    A terrible thing indeed

    And what about the wounded
    Who return from war
    Legless armless
    Their minds disturbed

    Nothing given to them
    No aid to assist
    Thrown away like 
    Used up fodder
    That is all they have become 
    To those who sit in high command

    Chess Pieces on a board

    Books have been written
    Words been said
    About these things
    Yet still they do go on

    Told they are these young men
    Of how they help their fellow man
    When into war they go
    The only people that they help
    Are those who give commands

    Sit they do behind their desks
    Move pieces all around
    Pieces that are really men
    But care they not at all

    Into depths they fall...

    Rise to power a risky thing
    With it comes immense wealth
    Happiness of a kind
    Like a miser gloating over gold

    Yet lose they will part of their soul
    The part that in loving lives
    Darkness overtakes them all
    Into the depths of hell they sink
    Not realizing 
    Or perhaps they do
    And do not care

    Fighting for wrong....

    What more can one say
    Those who military are
    Will not believe any of this
    Programmed are they
    Like so many are today

    Think they do to fight for right
    Yet they fight for what is wrong
    Fighting never did work out
    And never will

    and so it is....
  • author avatarSteve Kinsman
    28th May 2014 (#)
    A truly masterful polemic against the horrors of war. Well done Carolina.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

To Be or Not To Be...Does It Add Up to Who.......

Wishing on a Star

When you wish upon a star
Do you wonder whom you are
A piece of putty perhaps
Waiting to be molded into a song
Or maybe a dirge

It all depends on you

All day and night
These songs go on
Melodies from up above
Some from far below

It all depends on you


The ears a vessel for the sound
From kidneys they are bound
Contract when noise becomes too loud
Heart beats faster because of this

Information great indeed
Never can be learned at school
Takes a one like my friend Mark
An acupuncturist
Many modalities he doth know
And shares on IHOP2

Mediocrity and asses

Many will put such information down
Knowing no better do they
Just as some do not agree
With my knowing of spirituality

I care not a whit

Over 1500 views a day
Why should I worry what little people say
Or do
They caught up in mediocrity
Bound under Law of Moses
Going no further than the Bible says

Pity them I do
And asses too

Work in Progress

My pieces go across the world
In Asia Europe Russia too
They are viewed
On Twitter, LinkedIn
Just a few

Melodies played everywhere
Sound and Light they do eschew
People pick them up and know
What Is
What is going on

A work in progress
This it be
And glad am I to do

and so it is

Monday, May 26, 2014

Jack Asses Found Everywhere....Are....

They Who Come

Fantasmical creatures arrive to play
In haunted passageways
Those that lead up to the moon
O'er twinkling stars

Universe a bowl indeed
Upside down reversed it be
Waters gather then disperse
Washing sides away
Planets circle endlessly
Rings around are blue
Circumvent you would
If only you just knew


Not always easy this to do
In you must be that universe
Tap into fantasy then you can
Practice makes perfect
All the time

To have a brilliant mind
That conceives such wondrous things
Goes beyond the ken of most

This the prior condition to God
Where all things can be known
Most play at charades
Not knowing whom they are


Practice makes perfect
They do say
But who are they I wonder
None I know of

Simplicity of mind
An empty bowl
In which ideas can grow anew
Nothing every known before

They seek it here
They seek it there
They bloody seek it everywhere
In heaven and in hell


Oh what a lot of fools
Searching the unobtainable
If only wake up you could do
Not live in this land of dreams
Alice in Wonderland
Still falling down the hole
Jack asses there she found

We see them here
We see them there
We bloody see them everywhere
Old Uncle Tom Cobley and all.....
and so it is.....

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Colours of the Aura...Master Chohans...

Colours of the Aura

What is the cloak of mystery
Surrounding each and every one
Shifting of colours so sublime
Purple the colour of mine

Change it does from day to day
When different feelings we issue
In need of healing green is there
When thoughts intrude
Then it is blue

Red the colour of energy
Orange continuing it on its way
Yellow for awakening inspiration
White the colour of them all

Master Chohans

Master Chohans of these colour rays
Assist when we call on them
Just ask what you think you need
But always for the highest good
That the way to make sure
Only that for you comes forth

Spiritual teachings these do be
Each Master has His precious way
Respect for all I do give
But on my Traveller I do call 
Knowing His wisdoms
Through centuries have been passed down
Through Line of Melchezidek
Office of the Christ

Master Kuthumi

Master Kuthumi from Venus has come
To assist humanity at this time
Helping them the Light to see
When darkness covers easily

So many people into traps do fall
Beguiled by worldly pleasures
Never realizing what they are
No substance no reality at all
Disperse they do like suds of soap

A Choice to Make

I write all this
To share with you
As I am instructed to 
Some will not agree
And that is fine

I know What Is for me
Many others know it too
Out of bondage we have stepped
Setting ourselves free
A choice to make
To Know and Be
Loving as always the big Key

and so it is

Friday, May 23, 2014

Turning Points

There are turning points in our life when we are given the choice to move on or stay caught up in the mire of our thoughts, feelings and bodies...I know for I have and do experience these...but I keep choosing the upper path that leads to heavenly Grace...enjoy

What IS

Love eternal spark of Light
Shining on Her face so bright
Glowing from within without
Holding universes together

Joy its manifestation in the world
Spirit embraces all
No other place to go
But into the heart of God
The world many pleasures has
Yet these all crumble and decay
Leaving nothing to essay
Heartbreak for those who worship them

Niranjan's ways

She flies on wings of happiness
Her heart is filled with joy
Nothing in the world matters to Her
Above it all with Spirit filled and Grace

Learned She has in many ways
How corrupt the world can be
Partaken She
Then left alone

They poisoned Her mind
Entrapped Her soul
Kept Her in heavy ways
Disturbed Her health
Dis-eased Her body
All the things Niranjan does well

Let Go...Let God

Lessons She had to learn
Change and then let go
To reach into Kingdom of God
None of these can go

Only purity of total being
Acceptance of
Then moving on
Completing karmic loads
Great actions to be carried out
Not ever easy
Wrenching body and soul

Till one day relief can come
Let go
Let God
The only way
Giving all to Christ within
Who always takes the bitter load
Infuses with His total love

Turning Point...

Books do not tell of this
Bible does not contain
The path is narrow
Filled with distractions
In plain view

Disregarded by so many
Unable to see a way
Through miasma of thoughts and feelings
That block the Light of understanding

Turn again as many times as it doth take
Till ready you will be
For that day will surely come
Just as it has for me

Yet lessons still remain
Forever they will be
How we view them
Deal with them
Becomes the turning point

and so it is...

Friday, May 16, 2014

Ship of Fools...


Across a wide expanse of sea
The ship sailed oh so merrily
Crew of ancient memories they
Gulled from ports both far and near
Philosophers some
Writers others
Even those who songs did sing
Long ago

All part of a tale to be told
When it comes through
Me bloody brain
Transcribed onto a page I hope

Some of the crew....

Aristotle one
His long beard kept getting in the way
Winding round the oar he yielded
Keeping pace philosophising all the time

Another Plato
Mathematician he
Counting numbers constantly
Measuring distances carefully

Confucius had inimitable way
Making clarity come alive
Simplicity in every word
Sailing with a ship of fools

Just as we do today...

The Search Goes On...

They seek her here
They seek her there
Who are they seeking everywhere
I will not tell

So much rides on her
To do and say and write
Shake the world up by its tale
Before it falls into the sea
Forever disappears!

Graduates all....

To the equation add
Whatever comes into your head
Two plus two makes four they say
Unless it does not
Mighty is the way of man
As he bestrides the burning earth
His heels are high
Keeping him off the ground      Low Spark of High Heeled Boys
Ungrounded now in every way
Slipping sideways into the mire
Where gather all the darker ones
Graduates of Kal Niranjan

What more to say
Has all be said
A billion ways and more
Everlasting to everlasting
Will find its way some more

That is how humanity is
Sorry must take away the hu
For that the part of God
Within me and you

Man is the lower form
Yet necessary can be
A place wherein resides usefulness
A temple for the soul

Use rightly will enhance
Others destroy
Always a choice.....


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youtube for the video and music
The One Who Writes Within
My friends for the pics
J-R for all His Wisdoms

read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything in between by clicking on cnwriter.carolinaat top of this page and more
hereHelping Earthbound Spirits Home
hereTaming of the Shrew
hereChemtrails...They ARE Going ON
hereHow the Pleasures of the Flesh Bring Calamity

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Helping Earthbound Spirits Home

Not Realizing

Strange shapes flit here and there
Out of dark corners in haste arrive
Are you still alive
I often wonder

A formless shade
Haunts abodes
Hovering in space
Caught inbetween
Not realizing
They are dead
Still earthbound

Karma wills....

This happens to them
Who before they die
See things they should not see
Keeps them tied to the ground

It may happen too
To those who darkness fills
Not my idea
Karma wills

Thomas Becket

I remember once
To Canterbury Cathedral went
With my teacher
Motored down from London town

Work to be done
Freeing those monks
They who saw Thomas Becket killed
By soldiers of the King

Halls of Rest

No-one could help them
Realize they were dead
Still they floated all around
Cathedral grounds

Now laid they are to rest
Peacefully sleeping in Halls of Rest
Till wake they will
Next step to take

Sit they will with Karmic Lords
Deciding what they can clear
When next embodiment they make
Choose they will the way that's best
To clear their karmic load

I wish them much luck and light
For not easy are the lessons to be learned
Especially for some
Who are doing much harm
In their present embodiment

Bible quote...

Now gird up your loins like a man,
And I will ask you, and you instruct Me
Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?
Tell Me, if you have understanding,
Who set its measurements? Since you know. Or who stretched the line on it?
On what were its bases sunk? Or who laid its cornerstone,
When the morning stars sang together And all the sons of God shouted for joy?
Or who enclosed the sea with doors When, bursting forth, it went out from the womb;
When I made a cloud its garment And thick darkness its swaddling band,
And I placed boundaries on it And set a bolt and doors,
And I said, ‘Thus far you shall come, but no farther; And here shall your proud waves stop

and so it is.....

Monday, May 12, 2014

Steps to God of the Heart...

This delineates the journey of a soul into God of the Heart. Steps to be taken...questions not to be asked...negativity blocks from knowing the joy of spirit that resides everywhere....some here are already upon this journey.....enjoy..

The Visit

she..books..wordsPerhaps you will come with me
Visit levels where souls are free
Dance they do in harmony
Loving the only way
The biggest key
Far they rise to glorious places
Light streams down encompassing all
Magic some may say
Yet 'tis where we all belong

Whence we came from
So long ago
Part of an energy sublime
Well of loving immersed
God of the heart


So many places are to see
On planet earth where now we be
Yet only our focus thus dictates
For multi-dimensional we are
Living in alternate universes
All right NOW

No past
No future
Those who know
Nowness of Now
Where all is taking place

Undulations of a different kind

Precious Self

Colours glorious shimmering
Choose you one to take
Make it your vehicle sublime
Recognize you are divine

Beyond your physicality
Wrapped safely so none can see
No harm can then be perpetrate
Upon the preciousness of self

Those who do harm
Find they will be
Stopped from knowing of the Lord
Imprisoned they in negativity

Questions leading nowhere..

Circumvent the questions asked
Only lead to more they do
A neverending quest begins
To know yourself

Answers to questions give rise to more
Take you away from That Which Is
So simple
So direct
Missed by many in their eternal search
For answers

Give it all up
For heaven's sake
And for your own
Then lie cushioned in the heart of God
You will know when you are there

Nothing else matters anymore

and so it is.....