Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Beatitudes...Attitudes of Life-ing according to Carolan....ha!

So these are the Beatitudes which I have garnered from Teachings of the Spiritual Heart and my own growth in spiritual inner awareness (I taught these dynamics in Miami for many years to hundreds of people ..My classes were called Multi-Dimensional Awareness...the Keys to Living Life)  


Attitudes. So many people have negative attitudes to most of what goes on in their lives and in doing this focus on all that is wrong. If they would realize that everything is perfectly imperfect and find the humour no matter what the circumstances, in that very moment things would begin to change for them...they would no longer be seeing out of a miserable consciousness.

However most people love to wallow in despair and depression and blame others. No wonder they are so miserable.....change that and become one who lives and laughs and glows from within....



Forgiveness.. This is the key to your entering the Kingdom of God...not by forgiving others but by forgiving yourself...when you get to a point in life when you take total responsibility (ability to respond) for everything, everything, everything..you will. What you have seen as wrong etc. in another is your point of view yet maybe they had a really good reason for doing what they did. Now many will disagree and point fingers at war and cruelty and poverty etc. Yet each person is living in their own creation, what they created either in this life time or another so it is being perfectly supplied back to them. It will take a lot to expand your understanding to this but at least give it a little try...


A big one is this for as you judge so shall you be judged. The judgements that you make will come back and haunt you in this lifetime or another. Some religionists say that God is the only judge. Phooey, God is Love and loves all of His creation. He leaves man to do the judgements which man excels at most of the time being his own best judge and jury. How many times did you judge today!!!

Judge not lest you be judged...an admonishment from the Lord Jesus Christ...


This is the First Law of Spirit....and for many a difficult one for you look out at the world and at your life and find it hard to accept what is going on. But It Is and that is the reality. If you cannot accept it you are going againstWhat Is and that will disturb you mightily.

Acceptance does not mean that you have to do what is happening it means that you make it ok inside of yourself. In making it such a great sense of relief enters and you start feeling good about the situation. Then you can get on with your life in a way that will promote loving and caring and sharing...
and how wonderful is that....


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hereSixty Second Men and Women...with Love
hereWorkings of the Sugmad...
hereQuesting the Inner Light..

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Inspiration from Peter Gabriel

Do you listen to the kind of music ;that touches your soul and allows the creative juices to flow...or are you so caught up in your mobiles and cells that you have no time to listen to music of the soul....

Passion from the Soul

Listening to his music inspires me anew
Of happenings old and new 

Of magic long lost in days of yore
But now awaken

Shining their light for me to hear and see
Out of the past impressions show
Dim faces shining bright
Colours of the rainbow burst into view
Each ray of light a passageway
Into a kingdom so sublime

Rays of Colours Bright

The first of colour Red so rich
All enveloping
Burning out the dross

Enriching Lifting
Renewing once again
Returning to the oneness

Then comes lush Orange
Forming segments of eternity

Each alone could be
Together a great infinity
Yellow bright as sharp as ice
Cutting through this sentious life
So what is left renewed will be
In purity

And More They Shine

The healing of the Green
Sends tendrils out galore
Each cell and vessel
Doth restore

Heavenly Blue next eschews
Brings calm and peace unto the mind
Yet stirs its heavenly fire
Inspiring all

And now the royal Purple does arrive
In total loving Accord
Moveth it doth the Spirit
Into the highest realms so bright

The colour of the Traveller

Purity of White...Colour so Divine

The purity of White comes next
This one colour encompasses all others
The knowing of sublime bliss
Is yours and mine when into this
We do arrive

The journey that all can make
Our connection to the divine
Always there for those whose intention
This is made

and so it is
Read more of my pages by clicking on cnwriter  from erotica to spirituality and most things inbetween
hereOwl and the Pussy Cat
hereComings and Goings of a Writer
herePowers Latent in Man
hereOde to Bloggers

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Be-Attitudes...attitudes is all they are......

Here today and gone tomorrow..song so often sung..whose opinions do you become?

What to see

People on journey back home
Find each other
Different strokes for different folks
Aimless most

Eyes wide open
Seeing only what they wish to do
Been going on for so long now
To and fro they go
Tricky Dicky
Slothful Sally
Meet maybe in small cafe
Eye each other tremulously

Was it once or no...

Hearts of glass ready to break
One single harsh word
Makes it so
Then onto another they go

If you loved me
Would not do that
If you cared
Not treat me so

This all the time by lovers heard
As over mobiles they do glare
At each other
No longer love is shared

Perhaps never been

For what...

At his feet she kneels
Eyes gaze up at him so tenderly
Silly lady
Knows not what she is in for...

His hand stretched out
Gathering in
The one he always loved
Kith and kin...

When as a child he saw her beauty
Wanted her from that day on
Finally his wish came true
Married her he did....


More than that so convoluted
In a liar's world he lived
Smoke and illusion
Ways for him
Like so many men...

Blame often lies at women's door
They too so often circumvent
Trying hard to be
Someone they are not

Mixture oft do become
Of opinions others share
Forgotten whom they truly are

Here today..gone tomorrow..

Through this miasma
Find your way
Take time out to ponder on
If you will

Many move so rapidly
Never know what is going on
Here today
Tomorrow gone

and so it is....

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Once Upon a Time..Lone Wolf cometh or goeth...Who Knows...

Well i think this once again an expressing, baring of a person so few dare to do...I can and will and do...so enjoy will some...others no...and they can piss off...

cnwriter..carolinaBy cnwriter..carolina, 20th Sep 2014 
  • Going...where
I go where so few go
Yet meet some on the way

I do what so few do
Out of no-thing create
A power given to me
Once upon a time

Yet still I move too close
To those
Whose chemistry
Excites me...
oh oh oh!!

Recognizing the Christ

A Spiritual Warrior I am
Earned through lifetimes of work
Focusing on the Sound and Light
Even recognized Lord Jesus Christ
When alive he was
Yet this gaineth me not
Not important for me
Living in loving
Service and caring
All really is

Heavenly treasures

Precious are the jewels
Shining in my heart
Yours too
Those the only ones that matter

Everything else
Into heaven cannot go

Wonderful it is...

My life is wonderful
Filled with the joy of being me
Knowing I am child of God
Blessed through eternity

Have such special ones around
Family and friends
Some here on wikinut
Even on Google plus
Dario Franco Giovanni
Mary and more
They add up


I am strange
I know it so
Even in London years ago
They called me
The Lone Wolf

As i made my way down
Great Portland Street
Modelling jumpers
There I did
Oh oh oh!

As me...

Was so gorgeous
Years may take their toll
Still retain the quality
Sets me apart
I know
So it be...

Piss off...

So if you wish
As said so many times before
Come play with me
In the fields of the Lord

Magnificent it be
Knowing of this to see
In yourself and me

Or else
Piss off....
and more of my writings on erotica and spirituality..enjoy
hereOnly Lovers Left Alive and Me...
hereSearching for a Lost Love...
hereHistory Repeating through Sages of Old
hereJourney of My Soul...

Saturday, September 13, 2014

In the Beginning...and then......

How to say nicely words that could be cruel..but then sometimes important to shake awake those who sleep in ignorance as their lives slip away...for nowadays it seems that ignorance is bliss for want of a better word....enjoy

As it is...

What to say
What to do
Bringing up of little folk
In such an awful way
Seems so prevalent 
All can see
Future maybe

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YR5ApYxkU-U&index=25&list=RDdTCNwgzM2rQ Another Bric in the Road.  by Pink Floyd...

I don't care
Won't be here to see

There they go

Marching feet
Masks on faces
One by one they go
Sheep to the slaughter

Reminds me of'
Great unwashed public

Being your self...

Think i will find a different way to spend my life
Away from all the noise and strife
Peace filled gardens
Nature's gifts

No need to show them
Whom you are
Just being you
For them enough


Search and find

Blurred images
Ilusionary fields to behold
Wrapped and covered
Not you at all

Search and find
The one who dwells within
Garden of many treasures

Not for those
Who cannot see
Beyond their ignoramity
Bet you never heard that word

Breaking barriers...

But then I have such fun with me
Going beyond
Where most folk fear to step
Caught up they are
'Twixt walls confined
Others opinions matter much
To them
But not to me

I flit from tree to tree
Word to word
Breaking barriers as I go
Twirling wand of magic-ness

as it should be....

Who You Were...Whom You Are...

I read many on wikinut and it is great that some have expanded their awareness beyond the closed walls of what their religious teachers have told them..this piece is about other lifetimes and how they affect you in this one as has mine...enjoy

Wonder why..

Did you ever wonder why
Some people seem to matter much
Others you brush off
Mean to you nothing at all

Perhaps recall from lifetime past
Energy brought forth
Wonderful feelings ensue
Or those of a different kind

Happens this for me indeed
As I clear karmic loads
Frequencies intense can be
Excitement in my body feel


Lifetimes thus come up for me
Such a special chemistry
More than the usual energy
Something very different

Open I to inner knowing
Wait for what I hear inside
Drifting into other periods
People from my past

So many people have I been
Woman man
Rich poor
Black yellow white

As I was.....

Rape and ravage I did do
When in Attila's time I lived
Fascinating lifetime that
As ugly as a Hun could be
Died painfully

in Italy another time
A man so beautiful 'tis true
Unfaithful he was to me
i poisoned him......
Will not say who....
To mind...
So who were you
And where
Can you bring this to mind
Interesting if you do
Another view
Mayhap work it through this time

I did with Frederic
Now we good friends
And nothing more

It takes great strength
To look and see
Why you do what you do
Own up
Admit your wrong
Make it right again

Payment will be made...

Not too many this can do
Prefer to lay the blame
At other's feet
Thistles protrude

Walk away free you do not
It trails behind you all your days
Sits like a dark cloud over you

Quote from John-Roger

Many of our experiences in life are just to teach each other how to do things and what not to do. We say, "I saw you do that, and I'm not going to do that. Thanks." We all learn from each other.

You can also say, "I forgive myself for forgetting that I am also part of God, of life. And I forgive myself for forgetting that everyone else is also."

- John-Roger, D.S.S.
(From: "Are you going for Progression or Perfection?," on the New Day Herald website: Click Here)

Friday, September 12, 2014

Heaven Awaits...A Heavenly State

What to do

When heaven opens pearly gates
Will you be able to walk through
Or will you hesitate

So many frightened
Really are
To take next step
Into what they know is there

Same as in life
Each every day
Choices to be made
Fearful are you

Ready it be

Strange it can be
Yet in reality
Your path is ready to be walked
In front of you it sits

One wee small step
Another then
Will lead you into paradise
That awaits you all the time
Within it lies

Turn and you will find


A magic kingdom
There doth be
Filled with loving joy
Joy manifestation of the soul
The part of God that is inside
Always there
Waiting eternally for you to awaken
Know of its loving care

Angels wait

From distant places came a sound
Reverberating everywhere
Songs sung by angels
Gathered they
To welcome you back home

Their wings translucent pearl
Golden auras their heads surround
Sheathed in purest white
Long lissom limbs


Listen carefully
You will hear
Look out corners of your eyes
You will see

No need to speak
Say anything
For once let silence
Reign supreme

and so it is....

Have you tried Wikinut yet? Write about whatever you like and get paid royalties – here
hereWorkings of the Sugmad
hereIf You Only Knew
hereKnockin' On Heaven's Door...
hereThe One Who Loves Us All..

read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything in between

youtube for the video and music
The One Who Writes Within
My friends for the pics
J-R for all His Wisdoms

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

If You Only Knew......

Not comprehend

A missile I will write
As it comes down through annals of space and time
Many are shown but few can glean
The nature of what this really means

Behind writings so mundane they be
Sacred teachings are hidden from view
From those who would profane
Their sanctity

It does not happen overnight
To be given inner sight
Wisdom of the ages
Knowledge too
Lifetimes it takes to view
To learn the teachings
Of another kind
Far beyond the lowly sight of those
They who would transpose
To their own way
Use and abuse
The sacred words of God

Man has in so many ways
Destroyed the good
And evil made supreme
History books
Word of mouth
Show this they do

Hard it becomes to follow a path
Of goodness when all around
Man's inhumanity to man is rife
The things they do and say
Damaging to life
Every aspect
In every way

Weevils all...

But time draws near when things will change
From dark to light
And in the brightness of these coming days
What once was promised will come about
In all its glory

It will not happen overnight
As my friend Steve doth say
Much Pluto energy is about and will continue
Through the coming years
This planet powerful be
Evolutionary its changing quality

Demanding of each person here
To make the necessary move
The planet of the Underworld throwing up
Into the Light all things that crawl below
In our psyche and our unconscious too
Like wriggling snivelling weevils
Dig deep they do

One small move

It takes but one small move inside yourself
For you to find
Another place so bright and clear
For such beauty lies within
Each one of us

Buried deep it might be
Below the layers of inhumanity
But there it waits for you to turn to
It matters not when you do
It could be a thousand lifetimes hence
Or even more
But not one Soul will be lost

And so it is


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hereSitting In Your Self Made Guck...
herePassageways of Life-Ing
hereMy Path and Whence I Came
hereMy Love He Comes....