Thursday, July 31, 2014

All is Heaven Sent....

this a tale tells of how education helps and knowing transcends all....


All is heaven sent
No matter what it is
Men's non reality
Most they really know not what
In ignorance do dwell
Lack of education some

Cannot spell
Nor words ensue
In sentence place
(i bet Ii got some there!!!)

What to do!!!

So what to do
I know not for you
Only what works for me
And those I love

Somehow transference
Our loving opens doors

We enter through
There to find
Treasures that reside within

In Oneness be...

A higher knowing
Then ensues
Beyond the ken
Of mortal eyes

For in Oneness
We all be
Who in loving share
Ultimates divine

Sacred are
Known to few
Teachings of a higher kind
Bliss filled in every way

No criticism here

Not meant is this
To criticize or of make fun
For I too had my learning curve
Toiled I did with every word
Lucky indeed to teachers have
Taught me well
Composition grammar 
Blessings of good education

In this lifetime and others too
Step by step leading me 
To being now

Gifted I by grace of God
A writer of words
Oft a message to share
Of love and light divinity

and so it is..

War...the Ultimate Weapon of Greed

Here I go into the history of mankind or perhaps beastly-kind for those who are agents of darkness for greed and power create wars causing killing and has been going on forever and still does...unfortunately...


History repeats itself
In oh so many ways
Throughout time
It still goes on
Wars and wars and wars

Far back in Atlantis time
Mad scientists there were
Bent on fissue experiments
Caused two destructions of that place
Sank it did
An avalanche
Now rest below the sea


Darius 1 great King of Persia
The Achaemenid Empire ruled
Long ago
550BC - 486BC

He conquered far and wide
His armies swept from east to west
Asia, Caucasus, Bulgaria
Egypt and Africa
Sudan, Pakistan, Eritrea
Northern Greece and Macedonia
Part of his kingdom did become

All this killing of others
Did affect his health
He died


Always heralded culturally
From whence great writers did eschew
Herodotus Aristotle Plato
Thucydides to name a few

Yet also wars did ensue
Civil strife in Athens
The Lelantine War (c.710–c.650 BC)
Fought twixt important city-states
Chalcis and Eretria
Both went into decline
Again the greed of few


Rome its greatness
Stretched far and wide
Conquering everywhere
Then soft its underbelly became
Rome itself outgrew
Principles of good and right
Turned away from the Light

Nero and Caligula
Shared in this come about
Senators too
Greed and power all their game
Darkness grew

British Empire and USA

They conquered much
Different name did call
They were rescuing others
From downfall
Ha ha...

India and Egypt
Korea, Afghanistan
Iraq Iran
Other countries too
Empirical rights
Did not belong to them

But they bull nosed
Into them
Killing thousands
And what for
Oil to fuel their machines
Power over all

Now both destructing from inside out

I do not think all that was gained is worth a single life destroyed....

and so it is..


Have you tried Wikinut yet? Write about whatever you like and get paid royalties – here

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read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything in between by clicking on cnwriter.carolina at top of this page and more
hereGhostly Cargoes
hereMagnificence of Africa...
hereBuilding of Nothing...Falling into Sea..
hereDownfall of Mighty Men
hereThrough Time the Devastation of War
hereHistory repeating Itself...

youtube for the video and music
The One Who Writes Within
My friends for the pics
J-R for all His Wisdoms

Join me on the sites below:

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Charlie Chan...Master Sleuth

Going back to the 30's maybe but perhaps to a time when films were made with integrity and reality. Men and women who knew how to act and deserved the title actor. Besides these episodes of Charlie Chan's adventure are lots and lots of fun to watch..enjoy this review

Man of Mystery

A Chinese man for you to see
Filled with so much mystery

Charlie Chan his name
Movies of the thirties
His claim to fame 

Not like the films we see today
No animation or of that sort
Just straight reality
And good acting 
If overdone a bit sometimes

Crime Solver

Lots of fun to see
Lets your imagination runs wild
Murders galore and so much more
Each episode filed away
Brought up in memory another day

Mayhem in so many guises
Solving crimes wherever he goes
A sleuth supreme Charlie Chan he be
His art of detection a pleasure to see

Strange Forces on the Prowl

I love when to Egypt off he goes
Buried treasures to expose
Strange forces on the prowl
Pretenses of long dead mummies
Now alive

But in reality they be
Treasure hunters up to no good

Wanting for themselves alone
Gold and jewelry gorgeous to see
Buried in forgotten tombs


Shanghai Paris London too
So many cities across the world

Charlie Chan the mystery solves
Beautiful damsels in distress
Their charms all men want to possess

Jealousy greed sabotage too
Reasons to call Lieutenant Chan

From Honolulu he will come
Maybe too his eldest son
To assist in bumbling ways
Entrapment of those criminals

Black and White

So when you ready to enjoy
Mysteries galore
In Black and White

No colour here
Then turn you will to find
Lieutenant Chan right by your side
Urging you on to find what's right
Even in the dead of night

He Will Be There!

The Word is Said...the Message Read or Is It..A Metaphor for You


Starred PageSo many people want to believe there is more to life than their humdrum existences and there is. Yet so many deny this can be and by denying they create denial and will have to eat of dont taste too good!!!

Knowing Me

I came so close you see
To knowing it was me

Then turned away I did
The picture was too big

Through lifetimes I did roam
Searching for my way home

But never getting there
Too far it was to go
I never realized
Home really is inside
Levels of Light and Sound within
So many treasures there to find


She picked her way through snow so deep
Cover it did her pretty feet

Ankles too soon were soaked
Despite the furry boots

Across the barren land she strode
Cold hard and frozen underneath

Yet in the springtime she knew
Flowers and fauna would spring anew

Now all lay wasted dark and brown
Waiting for the sun to rise

Bringing the deadness back to life
The frozen earth open its eyes

Earthly Treasures

A metaphor could easily be
About the way we lead our lives

Searching for we know not what
Bleak it seems this quest of ours

And yet hope doth eternal spring
Always hidden deep inside

Waiting to come alive
When ready we are to turn and see

Away from so called treasures
We have made our goals whilst here

Transient are they in every way
Drive your Mercedes into heaven No!
Not possible is it so

No matter how much you want it to be

The Journey

Sometimes too frightened are we
To take that journey so sublime

Recognizing we are divine
Each one of us

Some will turn away
Others look a different way

Yet others laugh and say not so
Only one life we have to go

For you this will be so
Your creation return it will
Exactly as you put it out

But one day you will know
And realize it is so

The divine spark in you shines bright
A universe complete in every way

and so it is


write for wikinut here

Read more of my pages by clicking on cnwriter at top of this page from erotica to spirituality and most things inbetween and here some for you
hereTo My Wayshower
hereLeaving Worldly Concerns Behind
hereCosmic 51
hereShakespeare Revisited

My Website

A Dedication to My Wayshower J-R and Those Who Guide Us Home


Starred Page
Through our lives, at least for most, someone has come forward to assist us. The assistance has been physical in the world and then for those of us who are blessed wayshowers have come forward to guide us in our spiritual inner awareness..this is a dedication to my Wayshower.

The Blessings

If only I could tell You
A million ways or more

How very much I love You
So very much adore

For all the blessings
Bestowed have You

Upon so many everywhere

Across dimensions wide and far
Some we do not know exist
But there they are
Becoming a Spiritual Warrior

The teachings of the Loving Heart
Sublime are they indeed

Bringing harmony within
Gathering souls together one by one 

Guiding us the way back home

Wayshowers through the Ages

Through time and space you came to me
In other lifetimes together perhaps were we
Faint memories stir in my heart
A knowing deep and profound

Other wayshowers have I been with too
Ones whose far memory still survives
Inside of me

Different bodies certainly
But always the loving so intense
Emanating from their presence

Well Learned Lessons

I remember one day saying help
Not really knowing what I meant

But opened up a door for me
To choose to walk the path of
Light and Sound
Back into the heart of God 

My life a classroom then became
Peeling away so many things
Extraneous they were to whom I AM
Finding tucked away the real ME

Lessons I have learned so well
Some easy others hard

No matter how many times I fell
You always picked me up

And set me on my path again

Turn Again Dick Whittington

So here I am today
Wiser than I was before

In worldly things it may not be so
But ways of the Loving Heart I know
A Spiritual Warrior

I walk a very narrow path
Knowing the dangers all around

Those who turf me off they would
Agents of the negative force

Even my own sometimes
Do scream and rant and rave

But turn again Dick Whittington
I do 

Bringing joy forgiveness too
For after all a little fall
Part of an upward journey is

And continue I do upon my way

Friday, July 25, 2014

How High Can You Fly....

Do you experience out of body you see into other realms of light... do you know how to access the moon and clouds...not to worry read this and enjoy...


The say the moon
Made of green cheese
But then they say
A lot of things!!!

Moon a great circle of light
Only seen at night
Except at other times
Hovering there in sky
Beings live upon the moon
You cannot see nor know
In different form are they
Perhaps you were one


Clouds float high
Up in the sky
Rest on top of tree

Shifting shapes
So tenderly
Embracing all they see
Cumulus and cirrus
Floating by
Part of God's creation

Another transport

Come weave your magic spell
Take us to a place supreme
Where only loving dare to dwell
A kingdom in the sky

We see and yet we wonder why
Cannot reach that divine place
Seems so far away
No train nor plane
Will get us there

Another transport you do need
One that cannot be seen
Steps you must learn to take
When ready you become

Divinity divine

No magic at all
Needed to get you there
'Tis what you do inside
Chant the names of God
Focus on the tisra til
And let your spirit rise

Divinity divine
Takes you to a different place
You are here
Yet you are there
Out of body experience
By you and you alone

Cross stream of life....

Gaze into a mirror bright
See who looking back
Is you maybe
A fantasy

Sailing cross stream of life
Learning what you need to know
A vast cacophony of sound
Playing one attuned to you
Each one of us doth have

and so it is....


Have you tried Wikinut yet? Write about whatever you like and get paid royalties – here

write for wikinut here to bring greater awareness to people

read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything in between by clicking on cnwriter.carolina at top of this page and more
hereDo You Believe...
hereA Page of Heart and More....
hereThe Corruption of Words, Deeds and Evangelists...
hereComing of a new Pope...what of You and Me..

youtube for the video and music
The One Who Writes Within
My friends for the pics
J-R for all His Wisdoms
Noman Ahmed and his friends for the pictures..

Join me on the sites below:


Thursday, July 24, 2014

Do You Believe......

Guts it takes

I wonder often why
Days and nights
Blend into one
Continuing energy on the run

Seems to matter little now
A life well spent has been
Exploring oh so many things
Adventuring where angels fear to tread
Excitement paving ways
Magic happenings
Taking me high
Oft dropping me down
Upon my bum

I look back and laugh at all
Adventures that came my way
Took bull by horns
Rode him bucking
Till my hands so red and sore
He drooped his head gave in


Yet still I wonder
Is all pie in the sky
Not so

There comes a time
Believe or no
We learn whom
Truly we are

A soul
Magnificent indeed
Part of the Holy Energy
Manifesting beautifully

Different bodies
Many lifetimes
To enjoy

Magic carpet ride

I see beyond most ken of man
Know of much
Tune in

A deeper sensing
Of What Is
A knowing so profound
Delicious in many ways
Sometimes not so
Like a magic carpet ride

Come fly

Come fly with me
Leave worldly cares
Know yourself

and so it is....