Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Facets of Being...You...Me...all

this is about the many facets of a diamond...a metaphor for all the different faces we show to the world and how many disturb others and so it goes...enjoy

facets of diamonds

so many roles in life we play
like facets of diamonds turning round
seduction game
spiritual being
loving sister
you name
all part and parcel being me

best not to lock me into any one
for in an instance i can change
and from afar
turn your screams to bloody fire
whoever you may be
wherever you are..

then pick the pieces up
into a higher form
well pleased will you be...


where do i go from here
knowing what i know
traversing realms of light
erotica below

cannot seem to stop
sensations so sublime
through my body race
never been like this before

attract i do to me
like honey to a bee

so rare

come play with me
in Garden of Much Delight
i will take you there

nothing you have experienced
will compare
subtleties so rare
not of this world will be
running through your veins
other places too

more erotic
than you ever dreamed...

regrets none

regrets have i none
for all i have done
too much to write

inside of me stored
so many words
would cover the planet
one by one

so instead in one bundle
placed here and there
like columns of light
soaring up in the air

taking you
you wish to go
for it is so....


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read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything in between .....
hereSixty Second Men and Women...with love
hereFlights of Fancy
hereComing of a New Root Race

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Wealth from the Heart

True Wealth comes from within and as you make that journey, you will find your own abundance and prosperity

An Attitude of Gratitude

They say money makes the world go around and around and around but I think the world is going around and aroundbecause that is its nature..Rudolph Steiner says the mission of the earth is loving. Slow progress is being made whilst the Illuminati pressure their minions to destroy all that is loving and good but since they no longer have the power they once had, their works are being negated by higher spiritual forces.

Our beautiful planet came very close to being destroyed through the wanton actions of the Illuminati up to quite recently but now assisted by beings from other planets the lifting into the Age of Aquarius and the Golden Age predicted so long ago is in progress.

So you say why the title Wealth from the Heart? How does that apply?

My friends, true Wealth comes from the Heart...it is also comes from an Attitude of Gratitude wherein you reach intodimensions within yourself to produce the wealth of your beingness into the world and that attracts, quite naturally, abundance and prosperity. You can also slog day and night for your pennies and turn them into pounds but that takes so much energy, so much wheeling and dealing and at the end of it, it will be taken from you by others or you die and leave it behind. But the Wealth of your Heart stays with you as you journey through your lifetimes and one day when you really see, I mean really see, you will know it.
and so it is..

History Repeating Itself through Sagas of Old

cnwriter..carolinaStarred Page
Once again History is seen repeating itself, in power, greed and man's inhumanity to man in all its terrible forms. This is about a Gladiator, the Champion of Capua at the time of Spartacus....enjoy

Champion of Capua

Crixus a Gladiator was he
Champion of Capua
Glorious in his strength 

Tall he stood inside the ring
Where other gladiators against him came
Each one he decimated, killed
Wounds too terrible to perceive

Then cut off their heads he did

To the roar of the crowd
This he was bid
No mercy given
No mercy shown

killing machine was he
Another Side
And yet another part of him within
Was in a different mode
Care he could with all his heart
A girl quite young
slave like him
Whose love he did inspire

For her his soulful eyes did search
Whenever she went by
She knew his feelings were for her
And not her mistress Lucretia by name

His job was to entertain in the ring
But also to fuck his domina and get her with child
This he did having no other choice
For to roman nobility everyone else a slave they be
To use and abuse at will

History, Herstory Repeating…

And as I have written
So many times before
The same thing still goes on
In different forms maybe
But still in accord
With what then took place
Man’s inhumanity to man

Now we see the cruel regimes of Africa
The political chaos of the west

America, England heading the rest
Taking away the rights of man
Those given to him under Grace
Not under the Law
cruel master that be

And whilst the masses hide their heads in the sand
Away from the brilliant light of day

Heedless they are
Engorged on chemicals
Spewed into their food and drink
By purveyors of greed

Those who under a cloak of respectability

It Will Return

Not the slightest inkling have they
Of what the future holds for them
Then they will cry ‘why me, why me’
Their actions of the past up to them catch
In hard and vicious ways

But that is down the line

Now is the time to change their tune
Make recompense for their actions
So they can once more
Look into the mirror and see
Faces of goodness reflected
Not evil in its highest degree

End of a Saga

And what of Crixus you ask
I cannot tell you now as I too
Have to watch the end of the saga
Of Blood and Sand

telling of Spartacus most profound
Most enjoyable too

With lots of sexual activity
Man fucking man

Woman on top of woman
Two, three or more 
It matters not
Pure sensual pleasure it be

In this Time

And in our time
This still goes on
In whorehouses around the land
Where men and women of power

To arouse their senses 
Deadened by their lifelessness within

Sometimes into the news it leaks
Especially on the internet

Where so much is exposed
Deny they do with much aplomb
But still we know it is going on

On The Waterfront or which Way will You Go.....


and all that jazz!!!

This morning listening to my favourite classical radio program they played the music from the movie, On The Waterfront. Full of pathos it is and also the darkness that lurked behind the theme of the movie. The lust, the terror, the anger and so many other human traits that pull us away from being whom we truly are...the Light.


So many non believers also create the gap separating them from receiving the magic and loving of this Christ given quality. Oh oh oh!!!

Earlier on today at the gym before doing my yoga practice, I watched some TV channel (dont have TV in my home) and learned how the ultra right Reps are blockading the passing of the extension of a tax bill to save so many ordinary men and women having more taken out of their taxes whereas the big corporations just sail by many with their ill gotten gains. They pull amazing stunts and cast illusionary shadows so they don't get taxed at all. Yet their senators turn a blind eye to all the riches they are piling up and refuse to let the middle class get a break. Well all that is going to change.

Part of me knows this is all perfect or it would be different but when people say why does God allow it, I just laugh and say it is man who allows it. God does not enter into the tiddlee winks of these lower levels. HE lets us get on with our mistakes trusting we will learn from them and therein lies the rub. So many don't and so many won't. So perhaps they will not be travelling far into the future.

The new dynamic is loving, the new way is caring and sharing and those are the only attributes that will propel mankind into the coming year.
and so it is..

author avatarcnwriter..carolina
I have been writing on food, wine, travel, cosmic