Wednesday, January 28, 2015

A Journey into Acceptance...through Spirit Realms

About the journey we all agreed to take before we even re-embodied on the planet. Sitting with Lords of Karma and agreeing to what we would do. Now in the body form all this is strange and difficult to accept.

The Word made Flesh

To endure to the end
Is Limitless
For us
With Angels worshipping
All around

The Word made flesh
In Christ and all of us
His energy moving through

The power of Spirit
To transform
Assisting all to
Conscious awareness
Of infinite choice

Letting Go and Letting God...

To know we are more
Than just a body
Moving through time and space
Freeing ourselves of such illusion

Expanding into greater knowing
Seeing ourselves in different ways
Letting go of mind, emotions
Thoughts and feelings
That keep us here
Anchored in the human form

Control of the Kal Power

For the Prince of Darkness
Has his job to do
The Kal power forcing our karmas
In our faces
Fear and madness
Thus ensue
Running our fears on what
We think will be
Is such stupidity!

Unless we learn our lessons
Control he will
Keeping us
Imprisoned in our corporate form
His job well done

Ascending our Heavenly Home

We cannot predict
What we think will be
It is beyond our ken
This action alone
Brings separation
From our heavenly home

That profound place
Where we ascend
Into knowing of the Spiritual Realms
And into Father, Mother, God

The First Law of Spirit

Moving into acceptance
And forgiveness
Are things we do
To place ourselves
In realms of loving

Acceptance is
Spirit's first Law
And brings to us
Joyful loving for all
We do and see

No againstness is there here
Just knowing all is
The way it should be
Perfection everywhere

Intention is....

Being loving,
Caring and sharing
Are requisites for
Spirit's work to be done

All comes together
When Intention is clear
For Intention is God
Clarity of intentionality
The stairway

Choose not the mundane world
It leads astray
Thy Will be Done Lord
Through me

The willingness to do
With purpose
Brings alignment forth
And loving
Will carry you into
The heart of God
To be in the world
But not of it...

and so it is...

Friday, January 9, 2015

A Funny Poem...well I think it is!!!!!!

A funny poem about squirrels and fleas and bugs and trash....

The Beginning or How It Came About!!!

it came upon a midnight clear
for me to find a way
to write a poem full of fun
yet nothing much to say

it is far from my usual trash
but thought I'd give it
just a little bash
so here goes and
hope you find
it not too boring
or hard to mind

Journey of a WhatUMayCallIt......

once upon a time
in a faery land
there lived a red squirrel
with two hands
one he used to scratch his bum
the other picked bugs from his tum

one day a grey with eyes like ice
decided that he did like mice
so he journeyed to a
far off land
crossing mountains and seas
on the backs of fleas
with wings (I have to say or
how the hell could he have got so far!)

Merry Old England

So when he finally arrived
In merry Old England he found
a lot of reddish looking look alikes

Immediately he said this cannot be
for they must all be grey as me
so with careful planning
and Borgia means
he rid himself of reams and reams
of reddish ones with bums and tums

End of ???

So the story goes but wait my friend
'Tis true indeed
For now our land is diseased
With greys and no more reds
so now you can go to bed
and dream your dreams
or nightmares if that be your choice

I rest my case!!!!!!

My Son, My Son What Have You Done ...a film by Werner Herzog

My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done...

This is written after watching the movie by Werner Herzog, My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done which was inspired by a true story. It is dark and strange.

The River

The mighty river storms
Along its craggy banks
Breaking up against the rocks
Surges of white foam boiling

On drifts of creamy smoke they puff
Their commonsense does leave
dreamworld then to them appear
Frolics of fantasy now changing danger
Into what they wish to perceive

The Men

Then into these waters running wild
Their tiny canoes they do place
Ready to take a journey bold
From which return they might
Or not
The obstacles that lie ahead
Are mighty they to see
Jagged rocks below
Their bottoms they could tear
And leave men floundering helplessly
Pummeling them unmercifully
Tearing all relentlessly
The blackened waters there

Title of the film

This is how the story goes
Switching backwards and forwards
From whence it did begin
The murder of his mother to
The ones who in Peru
Did dare the rapids wild

Out of such craziness it seems
To take the life of one who was his mum
A nag she might of been
Demanding too
But killing no
That is too much
Or was the karma so very strong
Between them

You will never know
Unless the film you see!!!!!!

I have not yet seen the end of this
And to be quite honest
Would rather leave you up in the air
Of how it does conclude
This film again by Werner Herzog
My Son, My Son What Have You Done


The Limp Dick of a Has Been Rockstar


Starred Page
This is all about a once famous rock star who climbed the ladder of success gathering to him those who plied him with flattery and used him. One such woman used her whorish ways to seduce him amongst many entertainers. Now she is in darkness and uses this as a weapon against those who helped him.  

Now lag his music doeth

He once was in the Hall of Fame
But that was times gone by
Now his dick hangs loose
Between his legs
His music lagging too

His lady
One who came
Through many of his kind
Till latching onto this one
She stayed
Loving his money
That's How Women Are

Dread he is

Her vicious mouth
Still sweet with him
To suck his cock
But others
She does defame
Even those who helped him
On his way to fame

Now he who once was
Orchestrated full of Light
Is filled with darkness
Dread he is by all who
Knew him

In darkness dwell

Those who come upon his scene
Women oft they be
Are filled with vile intent
To use
That is all they know
And now in darkness do they dwell
In character assassination too
The hell of their making quite profound

To suck your blood

Beware all of you
Who would offend
Or make attack on
Those I love
For you will be chased
By creatures vile
To suck your blood
To tear you limb from limb

Drowning ...

No surcease
From inflictions such as these
For you
You chose your fate
Now drown in it

No matter where you go
Your face will appear to you
And filled with hate
Reflected back to you

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Musings on the Corruption of Words, Deeds and Evangelists!!!!!..

cnwriterStarred Page
This piece is about the Game of Life and how people try and control others through religion and the bible. So many times people find themselves under the thumb of those whose rhetoric is manipulating and intimidating. Perhaps why many churches are so rich

Who and Why

So many times we oftenponder
Who we are and whence we come from
We search our histories whatever 
Always looking wondering
Why and how we came this way 
And how we are supposed to play

The Game of Life

There are many I have found
Trying so hard to confuse our minds
With rhetoric and religious sound
Preferring us a captive audience to be

Fiddlee do, fidllee dee
and people actually go and listen to this Raver!!!!!

Bible Quoters

The bible in itself 
A great book to study
Filled with parables of great note
Ways to do things as of old

Full of words to be taken literally
By those without much brain
And then twisted by manipulators
Seeking to use us for their own means
Meanings made up in their dark selves
To slap us on the head when we
Do wrong according to their judgement
But who are they to judge!!!

A conondrum shur-ely

Fill My Pockets with your Monies

I have met so many folk like them
Who high on pulpits stand

Doom and gloom their message be 
Do it my way so you be saved

(Oh oh dear God help me!)

Fill my pockets with your money
they do say

Then you will do what's right (for me)
So you see them
Hear them

Those TV evangelists 
Shaking their angry fists at all in sight
The thousands who flock to see them
The Crystal Cathedral just one instance
Of such naivety

Doing for Yourself

Come up, come up and I will heal you
Of your infirmities
Just fill my hat with filthy lucre
And your sickness will go away
Your blindness will disappear
Your crutch you throw away

How can you be so stupid
You who sit there at their feet
Empty eyes gazing 

Hoping desperately for a savior
To come and do for you
What you too lazy can do for yourself

Or maybe you just dont know how
So brainwashed have you been
Taught to do as others tell you
Never questioning

And thus losing self sufficiency

Teach a man to fish and he will always eat
Give him a fish and he will be back tomorrow 
Tomorrow, all of his tomorrows

A Recurring Song.....

So it goes on
Time after time
Through the centuries
Man's inhumanity to man
In countless ways
We see it
Hear it
Read it
Day after day

And who is doing anything about it??????

I could tell you but you already know......

Recognition of Self

When you finally turn 
To see your beautiful Self
The worthiness of who you are
In brightness you do shine

To honour your self and others
And see the Light in all
Then that day angels they will gather
And set you on the throne
Of your Beingness 
and so it is
and so it is