Monday, July 21, 2014

A Page of Jiggery Jokery...Fun for All...

A fun piece taking you journeying up above and down and you there maybe!  also the perfection of what is going on even if some judge it as terrible...but for a good laugh watch the video....enjoy

Visiting where....

Flights of fancy
Flights of fun
Travelling where you will
Flying high amongst the stars
Carousing with beings up there
In depths of sea a-visiting
Dolphins and friends a-rollicking

They come to say hello
To a different place
Land lubbers all


As you sink below the waves
Deeper and deeper you can go
Seeing relics of ancient times
Atlantis Lemuria at least two

Maybe find the lighthouse there
Situate in Alexandria's bay
Once a beacon shining bright
Now submerged below the sea

Silvered fish dart everywhere
Bulbous eyes peer inquisitively
Through cracks and crannies
Wondering at you


Those who dare to fly up high
Might visit Mars or Venus too
Mars home to Olympus mons
Second highest mountain in universe

Below surface of Venus
Life goes on
A different form to what you know
Beings mighty there you meet

Stars twinkle in the sky
Beckoning you to fly
If you dare
I wonder why


Be adventurous!
Take your life in your own hands
Strike out with all your bloody might
Go where no man went before

You are too scared
Prefer to cower as most cowards do
Behind so called safety of front door
Wolves in sheep's clothing coming are
To hammer on or just burn down!

The writing is upon the wall
As country dies from inside out
Destroyed by so called publicans
Greed and avarice their way
Destroying all
Oh dear me what a shame it be
Yet so perfect it is too
Returned to those who never thought
To care and share prosperity
Wheel of 84 just turns and turns
What goes around is returned....

and so it is....


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read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything in between by clicking on cnwriter.carolina at top of this page and more
hereHeavenly Bliss for All
hereSky..Sea and Land...Paradise for All
hereLifetime with the Scandinavia
hereWriting for Wiki...a Cake to Bake

youtube for the video and music
The One Who Writes Within
My friends for the pics
J-R for all His Wisdoms

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