The mythical story of Odin and Thor and Asgard once again is a fable which reaches through time to inspire us today. And in the telling, you will find many truths for as it was, it is and as it is it was.
All Across Valhalla
From across lush green valleys and deeply bosomed hills came the sounds of harps and flutes and bells joining together in a cacophony of glorious music. Deep down into the chasms of Valhalla they penetrated bringing forth the dead warriors who abode there shaking their heads as if not believing in the music they were hearing for they had given up earthly delights and now lived in the dark underworld from which there was no return.
Far above the darkness of that terrible place, the pure light of day sparkled on latticed buildings covered with gold. Trellises of gleaming basalt topped rose coloured stone columns, and temples with spiral columns and rounded bronzed cupolas marched across the plains. Granite walls surrounded multi-faceted tiled floors and above all the copper domes bulged upwards and outwards forcing the eye to ascend and traverse immense spaces.
Far above the darkness of that terrible place, the pure light of day sparkled on latticed buildings covered with gold. Trellises of gleaming basalt topped rose coloured stone columns, and temples with spiral columns and rounded bronzed cupolas marched across the plains. Granite walls surrounded multi-faceted tiled floors and above all the copper domes bulged upwards and outwards forcing the eye to ascend and traverse immense spaces.
Before The Ages of Man
In the days of yore, beings without physical form lived in this magical land. Long before the Sun and Moon and Earth separated, the mission of Hu-man was set forth. Many rounds of time would cover millions of years before the mission would be completed, one of bringing Loving to the earth planet.
The Great Spirit Lord instructed the Seven Lords of the Sun of the work that was to be done and thus, in time, the Nine Worlds were formed for each part of the planet belonged to particular Gods who could order the waves, the winds, the earth, the moon and the stars and have them move and change, and yet there was order within all.
On the Sun however the Seven Lords’ mission was still set and their Logos was the Word that was with the Great Spirit Lord and was the Great Spirit God, Odin the Great Father.
The Great Spirit Lord instructed the Seven Lords of the Sun of the work that was to be done and thus, in time, the Nine Worlds were formed for each part of the planet belonged to particular Gods who could order the waves, the winds, the earth, the moon and the stars and have them move and change, and yet there was order within all.
On the Sun however the Seven Lords’ mission was still set and their Logos was the Word that was with the Great Spirit Lord and was the Great Spirit God, Odin the Great Father.
The Nine Worlds
The Nine Worlds consisted of glaciers and mountains, silent valleys where trees and forest grew lush and dense and bodies of water flecked the land with spume when the winds blew across their surfaces. Each World brought forth its own quality impressed upon it by the Seven Lords.
The World of the Salamondo, the Ents whose job was taking care of trees and foliage.
Muspel Heim, World of the Fire people empowered to contain the fires started by firebolts from the heavens when the Gods battled in the heavens.
Darkalf Heim, World of the Dwarves who dug deep under the earth looking for treasures.
Midgard, the World of Humans who populated the earth as it was known at that time.
Jotun Heim, the World of Giants and Giantesses constantly vying for power in the mountains and chasms.
Alfheim, World of the Elves who practiced white magic, rode on Unicorns and were known for their great beauty.
The Valkyrie, Women Warriors who carried the dead to their resting place in Valhalla.
Asgard, home of the Aesir Gods and Goddesses.
Vanaheim, home of the Vanir Gods who ruled over mist and soft rain and were peaceful Gods.
The World of the Salamondo, the Ents whose job was taking care of trees and foliage.
Muspel Heim, World of the Fire people empowered to contain the fires started by firebolts from the heavens when the Gods battled in the heavens.
Darkalf Heim, World of the Dwarves who dug deep under the earth looking for treasures.
Midgard, the World of Humans who populated the earth as it was known at that time.
Jotun Heim, the World of Giants and Giantesses constantly vying for power in the mountains and chasms.
Alfheim, World of the Elves who practiced white magic, rode on Unicorns and were known for their great beauty.
The Valkyrie, Women Warriors who carried the dead to their resting place in Valhalla.
Asgard, home of the Aesir Gods and Goddesses.
Vanaheim, home of the Vanir Gods who ruled over mist and soft rain and were peaceful Gods.
The Great Yggdrasil
The great Ash Yggdrasil grew through all these lands and was worshipped by those who gazed upon its silvery green leaves and golden trunk and long twining branches that reached up into the heavens. They placed their prayers in tiny, bronzed cases and buried them deep in the soil around Yggdrasil.
Out of one side of this world tree, a multi-coloured bow traced its way across the sky in a huge arc. Colours ofred, a vibrant energy full of power and force, orange a continuing flow of energy, yellow bringing forth understanding, brilliant emerald green eschewing healing, azure blue for higher knowing and purple transmuting and changing and all who gazed upon this bow and prayed for the colours to work their magical qualities, knew their prayers would be answered.
this story will be continued as Part 11.
Out of one side of this world tree, a multi-coloured bow traced its way across the sky in a huge arc. Colours ofred, a vibrant energy full of power and force, orange a continuing flow of energy, yellow bringing forth understanding, brilliant emerald green eschewing healing, azure blue for higher knowing and purple transmuting and changing and all who gazed upon this bow and prayed for the colours to work their magical qualities, knew their prayers would be answered.
this story will be continued as Part 11.
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