Blood Lust or a Vampyr's Kiss
i wrote this in January 2012...a long time ago...ho scritto questo due anni fa ... non significava per nessuno ... solo un'altra bella espressione di lussuria .... per condividere con voi..tutti
Posted in WikinutWritingPoetry
This is a lustful piece of poetry prose erotica. You might not be able to handle it for it is full of sexual inclinations. Explicit yes but no more than what is happening all the time all over the world. enjoy!
Questo è un pezzo lussurioso di poesia in prosa erotica. Potrebbe non essere in grado di gestire la cosa perché è pieno di inclinazioni sessuali. Esplicita sì, ma non più di quello che sta accadendo tutto il tempo in tutto il mondo. godere!
Lips and Skin and Kisses galore
Shall I try….
To bite your nipples till they bleed
And lick the gore, the bloody stream
To suck you dry and paint you red
Again and again
My lips engulf your skin
And leave rosettes so pink and clear
My tongue will lick,
Flick like a serpent’s kiss
Until there is nothing left
Then you will cry
More, give me more
In so many Ways....
To bite your nipples till they bleed
And lick the gore, the bloody stream
To suck you dry and paint you red
Again and again
My lips engulf your skin
And leave rosettes so pink and clear
My tongue will lick,
Flick like a serpent’s kiss
Until there is nothing left
Then you will cry
More, give me more
In so many Ways....
And in ways of pleasure so sublime
I’ll twine myself around
And braid my hair between your legs
Till nothing separates our mounds
And so we lie
Till desire reaches out
And starts again
The spiral of want and need
Arms and legs entwine
As eager lips reach out
Biting, enflaming all
No inch is left on skin
That carries not the mark
Of maul
I’ll twine myself around
And braid my hair between your legs
Till nothing separates our mounds
And so we lie
Till desire reaches out
And starts again
The spiral of want and need
Arms and legs entwine
As eager lips reach out
Biting, enflaming all
No inch is left on skin
That carries not the mark
Of maul
A bloody trail of mutual lust
As deep within
The fire begins again
Burning, scorching
Consuming all
Shall I try……
The fire begins again
Burning, scorching
Consuming all
Shall I try……
write for wikinut here
youtube for the video
Julie and google for the pics
see more of my pages by clicking on cnwriter top of this page
I write on all subjects....
here Kings, Their Pleasuring and Pleasures
here A Vampyre's search for Her Lost Love
youtube for the video
Julie and google for the pics
see more of my pages by clicking on cnwriter top of this page
I write on all subjects....
here Kings, Their Pleasuring and Pleasures
here A Vampyre's search for Her Lost Love
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