Posted in WikinutWritingPoetry
Even the English countryside bears witness to past crimes. The Law of Karma, of Return takes you into the realisation that all you put in motion is returned to you. As it does to all of us..
Fair English Countryside
Wander you can far and near
But never elsewhere will you find
Fair English countryside
Where in meadows green
Runs through a bubbling stream
There did come such creatures wild
Snowy white egrets paused
Otters and watervoles
Moorhens and herons bold
But never elsewhere will you find
Fair English countryside
Where in meadows green
Runs through a bubbling stream
There did come such creatures wild
Snowy white egrets paused
Otters and watervoles
Moorhens and herons bold
Calling It Home
The English countryside so fair
Forever has it been
A home for ordinary people
As well as kings and queens
Fields and forests and villages where
Wandered they without a care
Away from pain and strife
Idyllic settings to spend a care free life
Forever has it been
A home for ordinary people
As well as kings and queens
Fields and forests and villages where
Wandered they without a care
Away from pain and strife
Idyllic settings to spend a care free life
Thus fall They..
But as history doth record
There comes a time for all
When unkind happenings disturb
The warp and weft of humankind
And thus in war they fall
The haves and the have nots
It matters not a damn
For each of us receive reward
For what we've said and done
When unkind happenings disturb
The warp and weft of humankind
And thus in war they fall
The haves and the have nots
It matters not a damn
For each of us receive reward
For what we've said and done
The Law of Reversibility...
Law of Reversibility
Wheel of Eighty-Four
Turns and turns some more
Recording in just rotation
All that we have done
Put into motion
No-one can change that
Set in stone it is
Blame not others
Cry not or moan
Responsibility lies with you alone
What goes around
Finds it way back
To you
and so it is
Wheel of Eighty-Four
Turns and turns some more
Recording in just rotation
All that we have done
Put into motion
No-one can change that
Set in stone it is
Blame not others
Cry not or moan
Responsibility lies with you alone
What goes around
Finds it way back
To you
and so it is
Your Creation
And if you don't believe
Then wonder just a little
How young ones
Geniuses be
Without even learning
How to do
Incredible works
A little baby oh so pure it seems
Dies young before his teens
Why oh why his parents cry
They know not that in times gone by
They killed their child
And now the lesson returns it does
In such an awful way
But duly earned
Then wonder just a little
How young ones
Geniuses be
Without even learning
How to do
Incredible works
A little baby oh so pure it seems
Dies young before his teens
Why oh why his parents cry
They know not that in times gone by
They killed their child
And now the lesson returns it does
In such an awful way
But duly earned
The Return of General Patton
So many instances of this
Even General Patton
Thought he was a re-embodied soul
An officer he had been in times long gone
And this knowing came to him
As he marched through the muddy roads of
Germany in World War Two
Even General Patton
Thought he was a re-embodied soul
An officer he had been in times long gone
And this knowing came to him
As he marched through the muddy roads of
Germany in World War Two
Through A Glass Darkly written by General Patton
Excerpt from Through a Glass, Darkly written by General Patton
Perhaps I stabbed our Savior
In His sacred helpless side.
Yet I've called His name in blessing
When in after times I died.
Through the travail of the ages,
Midst the pomp and toil of war,
Have I fought and strove and perished
Countless times upon this star
I have sinned and I have suffered
Played the hero and the knave
Fought for belly, shame or country
And for each have found a grave.
So as through a glass, and darkly
The age long strife I see
Where I fought in many guises,
Many names, but always me.
So forever in the future,
Shall I battle as of yore,
Dying to be born a fighter,
But to die again, once more.
Perhaps I stabbed our Savior
In His sacred helpless side.
Yet I've called His name in blessing
When in after times I died.
Through the travail of the ages,
Midst the pomp and toil of war,
Have I fought and strove and perished
Countless times upon this star
I have sinned and I have suffered
Played the hero and the knave
Fought for belly, shame or country
And for each have found a grave.
So as through a glass, and darkly
The age long strife I see
Where I fought in many guises,
Many names, but always me.
So forever in the future,
Shall I battle as of yore,
Dying to be born a fighter,
But to die again, once more.
my lovely new website:
To General Patton for the poem
Read more of my pages by clicking on cnwriter at top of this page from erotica to spirituality and most things inbetween and here some for you
hereAll Players on the Stage of Life We Be
hereReturning Again
hereA Long Way From the Beginning
To General Patton for the poem
Read more of my pages by clicking on cnwriter at top of this page from erotica to spirituality and most things inbetween and here some for you
hereAll Players on the Stage of Life We Be
hereReturning Again
hereA Long Way From the Beginning
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