- The Journey Begins
- Land of the Giants
- The Ents of Salamondo
- Travelling through Muspel Heim
- Darkalf Heim
- The Elvish people of Alf Heim
- A Link of Video
The Journey Begins
For many days and nights,Thor and his small band of warriors travelled across the icy wastes that surrounded the jewelled isle ofAsgard. Through deserted patches of purplish land where nothing moved and over which a strange silence hovered. The ground was covered with a whitish mist that seemed to form shapes of men and animals and strange gods and then disappear to re-emerge in other forms. Overhead the lowering sky turned a sickly yellow during the day and at night sat heavily upon the heads of the weary men bearing them into the ground mercilessly.
Stopping only to rest for a few moments, their feet and hands frozen with cold and their eyes squinting out of sunken faces, the once proud warriors moved slowly but Thor strode on for his anger fed him mightily and this grew with every step he took. In his hand he held the strongest and most powerful war hammer Mjollnir, and around his waist he wore the girdle of might, Megingjarpa.
Stopping only to rest for a few moments, their feet and hands frozen with cold and their eyes squinting out of sunken faces, the once proud warriors moved slowly but Thor strode on for his anger fed him mightily and this grew with every step he took. In his hand he held the strongest and most powerful war hammer Mjollnir, and around his waist he wore the girdle of might, Megingjarpa.
Land of the Giants
The first Kingdom they came to was Jotun Heim, home to Giants and Giantesses who turned from their constant warring against each other and started throwing boulders at the shivering men. Rearing high into the sky, the troll like Giants, their red eyes gleaming used their hammers to break the legs and arms and heads of the miserable men until suddenly one of the Giantess screamed out, ‘Stop!
It was she, Grid, who had given Thor the girdle of might, Megingjarpa because she recognized the power and nobility of this man. She held back her fellow giants until the travellers had passed through the cold greyness of this forsaken land.
It was she, Grid, who had given Thor the girdle of might, Megingjarpa because she recognized the power and nobility of this man. She held back her fellow giants until the travellers had passed through the cold greyness of this forsaken land.
The Ents of Salamondo
As the decimated band of travellers journeyed south, the Sun took pity on them and directed his rays to warm their path but this also brought out the Ents of Salamondo and they crept alongside the warriors, hiding in bushes and trees. They were misshapen and their faces still bore the troll like features inherited from their forefathers. Yet they were kindly and soon realized that the weary men needed food and drink if they were to survive the journey.
Their leader, Solto, timidly stood and called to Thor, ‘We bear you no harm, we are here to assist you and bring provisions, flasks of mead and platters of baked breads.’ Thor turned and gazed at the Ents. Their skin was rough like bark, their hands and feet gnarled and enlarged with six joints on each, and they had only one eye in the middle of their forehead that never blinked for it had no cover. But the kindliness of these tree people opened the hearts of Thor and his soldiers and they left Salamondo much revived.
Their leader, Solto, timidly stood and called to Thor, ‘We bear you no harm, we are here to assist you and bring provisions, flasks of mead and platters of baked breads.’ Thor turned and gazed at the Ents. Their skin was rough like bark, their hands and feet gnarled and enlarged with six joints on each, and they had only one eye in the middle of their forehead that never blinked for it had no cover. But the kindliness of these tree people opened the hearts of Thor and his soldiers and they left Salamondo much revived.
Travelling through Muspel Heim
Burning fires soon appeared on the horizon as the travellers passed into Muspel Heim, and gazing up into the reddened skies, Thor espied jagged bolts of lightning filling the upper levels and large molten rocks rained down as Gods and Goddesses battled in the fiery firmament.
A loud sizzling was taking place as the Fire People beat out the flames with their swords and spears but because of the magic placed in the rocks by the Seven Lords, the swords lit up with a peculiar luminescence and a faint moisture appeared which dampened the burning fires till nothing remained but a bitter, acrid smell and twirls of blackish smoke.
A loud sizzling was taking place as the Fire People beat out the flames with their swords and spears but because of the magic placed in the rocks by the Seven Lords, the swords lit up with a peculiar luminescence and a faint moisture appeared which dampened the burning fires till nothing remained but a bitter, acrid smell and twirls of blackish smoke.
Darkalf Heim
Thor hurried his men from this gloomy place and they entered into Darkalf Heim, a flat and deserted land filled with strange outcrops of stone and stairwells that led down into the depths of the earth. They followed these winding stairs deeper and deeper until they heard the sound of hammering and singing and came to a place where the walls glinted and shone. Legions of dwarves were merrily yielding pickaxes, digging out jewels and gold that striated the walls in long uneven lines.
Quite haphazardly the mounds of treasure grew and grew and then toppled over to form new mounds and as each fell, the dwarves laughed and kept on hammering away. Thor and his men eyed the glittering piles of gems thinking to steal some but the dwarves shook their heads warning the motley group of travellers against such actions.
The men sullenly drew back and muttered amongst themselves knowing they could out fight the defenceless dwarves and take as much treasure as they wished but Thor wisely led his warriors away back into the daylight above the ground.
Quite haphazardly the mounds of treasure grew and grew and then toppled over to form new mounds and as each fell, the dwarves laughed and kept on hammering away. Thor and his men eyed the glittering piles of gems thinking to steal some but the dwarves shook their heads warning the motley group of travellers against such actions.
The men sullenly drew back and muttered amongst themselves knowing they could out fight the defenceless dwarves and take as much treasure as they wished but Thor wisely led his warriors away back into the daylight above the ground.
The Elvish people of Alf Heim
The landscape changed and became one of light filtering through soft, verdant foliage and quiet flowing streams. High in the trees, the dwelling places of the Elvish peoples were strung between branches in colours of misty white and golden hue. Here too dwelled Alfesa, the chief Elf with his family and nobles of Alf Heim. Their homes of inlaid marble were built in circles arranged so that the early morning sunbeams painted the windows with warm, glowing light and the evening moonbeams caressed them with a silvery hue.
As Thor and the warriors entered the forest, noble Alf Heimers dressed in flowing white tunics and riding unicorns came up to them asking to know their purpose. Thor told them of his long journey to do the bidding of his Great Father, Odin, and how they had passed through many strange lands some very welcoming and others where they had battled and lost many men.
As Thor spoke, he looked through the little mirror his father had given him and was amazed at the beautiful auras around the heads of these Elves and knew their kindliness came from their hearts.
For many days and nights the travellers sat with the noble Elves before journeying on for Thor knew that their travels were almost at an end and they must return to Asgard to make peace with Odin, and so they did.
And that is another tale…….
As Thor and the warriors entered the forest, noble Alf Heimers dressed in flowing white tunics and riding unicorns came up to them asking to know their purpose. Thor told them of his long journey to do the bidding of his Great Father, Odin, and how they had passed through many strange lands some very welcoming and others where they had battled and lost many men.
As Thor spoke, he looked through the little mirror his father had given him and was amazed at the beautiful auras around the heads of these Elves and knew their kindliness came from their hearts.
For many days and nights the travellers sat with the noble Elves before journeying on for Thor knew that their travels were almost at an end and they must return to Asgard to make peace with Odin, and so they did.
And that is another tale…….
A Link of Video
Read Thor and the Nine Kingdoms Part 1
Read Thor and the Nine Kingdoms Part 2
The video of Asgard...enjoy! it was created by Eddy Chaos
for the Anthology Asgard A saga dos Nove Reinos
You can see my Thor and the Nine Kingdoms Part 1 and Part 2 together with many of my other articles and poetry on this wonderful site...try it yourself..
I also wrote a chapter of this amazing anthology that was published in 2011 in Brazil.
Read Thor and the Nine Kingdoms Part 2
The video of Asgard...enjoy! it was created by Eddy Chaos
for the Anthology Asgard A saga dos Nove Reinos
You can see my Thor and the Nine Kingdoms Part 1 and Part 2 together with many of my other articles and poetry on this wonderful site...try it yourself..
I also wrote a chapter of this amazing anthology that was published in 2011 in Brazil.
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