Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Gifts of the Divine

cnwriter..carolinaStarred Page
One day we will all recognize the Divine One that is within us all. We will experience the Twaji the gaze of God and we will return from whence we came. This is about a seeker who traversed much to be who she is today.

Gifts of the Beloved

A wonderful gift has been given to me
The Radiant Form of the Beloved inside to see
And experiencing the Twaji

The years of stumbling falling hitting my head against adversity
Made me stronger inside and out 

Enduring to the end the lessons taught to me
Over and over
Again and again
Practice It Doth Take
So what does this mean to me you ask
My answer to you would be
The ability to look within when the outer is going wild
Accepting things that are going on and change my focus
Away from the turmoil

And see that form that brings peace and ease inside of me

It sounds easy but takes much practice
Over and over again and again

To turn to the light away from the darkness
And all that represents

Before the Grace

Seems just like the other day before under grace I fell
I ran the gamut of the kingdom of hell
Anger and rage and violent temper

All were mine and I used them well
Not knowing better at the time

Then one day help I did cry
Not even really knowing why
But something deep inside awoke
And like a dream a way was shown

And from my hiding I did emerge

My First Seminar

A seminar I did attend a group of hippies there to see
A few straight ones as well like me
I learned to feel my aura 
Something I never knew existed but fun it was
To feel electricity around me crackle
Colours many there were to infinity

Filaments of Purity

As if a bird on wings of gold she flew
Entering into a kingdom bright

Where eternal day took place
Never the dark of night

Filaments of delicate lace ran through
Purity of the highest source
Mingling one into another
Columns of Light they were

World of Magic

Into this magic world I came
Blissed out as all could see
Ready now to take those baby steps
That soon would take me home again

My soul to know
To heaven soar

With others
As I do today

and so it is

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