Ramblings from a Knowledgeable Writer of Words....
The Fall
Every day brings forth new things
Happenings of strangest kinds
Sometimes premonitions we do get
I did so yesterday in morn
A kind of dread inside of me
I put it all into the Light
Went on my merry way
Cleaning my parquet floor
Was order of the day
For sure bit of a klutz I be
So slipped I did on wet floor and fell
Bruised me bloody but and arm
Twisted my fragile body well
Happenings of strangest kinds
Sometimes premonitions we do get
I did so yesterday in morn
A kind of dread inside of me
I put it all into the Light
Went on my merry way
Cleaning my parquet floor
Was order of the day
For sure bit of a klutz I be
So slipped I did on wet floor and fell
Bruised me bloody but and arm
Twisted my fragile body well
A Ramble
Skinny I am
Bag of rattling bones
Scarce clothed by any fat or meat
A form delectable indeed
But not to eat!!!!!
This morning I did arise
Stiff my shoulders and my neck
So off to chiropractor will go
His magic then can make me whole
Again....I hope
They say hold hope in one hand
Water in the other
See which fills up the fastest
Oh oh oh....
Bag of rattling bones
Scarce clothed by any fat or meat
A form delectable indeed
But not to eat!!!!!
This morning I did arise
Stiff my shoulders and my neck
So off to chiropractor will go
His magic then can make me whole
Again....I hope
They say hold hope in one hand
Water in the other
See which fills up the fastest
Oh oh oh....
Healing Myself
Kinesiology he too will do
Perhaps this accident brought from the past
For me to clear and let go
Whatever Bryan can do he will
Interesting it was
I checked my fascia myself today
Found it had dropped to below 5
Did my finger exercize
Up it did go to number 9
Fascinating what we can do to heal ourselves!!!
But still the aches and stiffness carry on
So will do what I can
With help of Bryan McMullen
My friend and chiropractor
Perhaps this accident brought from the past
For me to clear and let go
Whatever Bryan can do he will
Interesting it was
I checked my fascia myself today
Found it had dropped to below 5
Did my finger exercize
Up it did go to number 9
Fascinating what we can do to heal ourselves!!!
But still the aches and stiffness carry on
So will do what I can
With help of Bryan McMullen
My friend and chiropractor
A smile across my face doth creep
Realize I do it is all fun
Living in this human bod
It can do and take so much
Important to take good care of them
J-R always said when leaving me
'Take good care of your self'
I think I do
Sometimes though my mind takes off
No longer am I aware
Of what is going on around
That is when things happen
Watch how your car goes to the side
When you look away from road
Let kettle boil away
When on the phone
Texting talking on cell whilst in car
No awareness then of others have
So dangerous all this be
To you
To me
and so it is
Realize I do it is all fun
Living in this human bod
It can do and take so much
Important to take good care of them
J-R always said when leaving me
'Take good care of your self'
I think I do
Sometimes though my mind takes off
No longer am I aware
Of what is going on around
That is when things happen
Watch how your car goes to the side
When you look away from road
Let kettle boil away
When on the phone
Texting talking on cell whilst in car
No awareness then of others have
So dangerous all this be
To you
To me
and so it is
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Dr. Bryan McMullen, Beverly Hills, CA
google for the pics
read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything in between by clicking on cnwriter.carolina at top of this page and more
hereFrom Diabolo to Spirito
hereEnergetics of Loving
hereWhat Lies Behind Your Eyes
hereCosmic Tale of Creation
website: http://carolan328.wix.com/cnwriter
write for wikinut here to bring greater awareness to people
Dr. Bryan McMullen, Beverly Hills, CA
google for the pics
read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything in between by clicking on cnwriter.carolina at top of this page and more
hereFrom Diabolo to Spirito
hereEnergetics of Loving
hereWhat Lies Behind Your Eyes
hereCosmic Tale of Creation
website: http://carolan328.wix.com/cnwriter
love the video...wot fun!!!