In God's arms
If you're going to be by yourself
Be in God's arms
It is the best place to be
When you wake up
For there you still will find yourself
When you arise
If you do anything else
Good luck to you
Or really God luck
For only God is really good
The rest of us mediocre be
Or working hard at it maybe
Be in God's arms
It is the best place to be
When you wake up
For there you still will find yourself
When you arise
If you do anything else
Good luck to you
Or really God luck
For only God is really good
The rest of us mediocre be
Or working hard at it maybe
Memory lingers on
Not an admonition this
Just as things turn out to be
Think back to when good things you did
A smile across your face will come
Memory then serves you well
Just as things turn out to be
Think back to when good things you did
A smile across your face will come
Memory then serves you well
Yet thoughts you had of different kind
Not nice things you did think and do
The pain of doing them returns
For only yourself do you hurt
Those memories linger on
I know I have both places been
Yet thoughts you had of different kind
Not nice things you did think and do
The pain of doing them returns
For only yourself do you hurt
Those memories linger on
I know I have both places been
Instant Karma
Just last night an incident occurred
I use white sound to cover noise
But with a certain vindictiveness
And as I demonstrated to my friend
The machine fell broke my clay tureen
Instant karma you may say
Indeed it was
Better to have it happen now
Than down the line
As I have written many times
Karma has its just returns
Cause and effect
Eye for an eye
oh dear me!
I use white sound to cover noise
But with a certain vindictiveness
And as I demonstrated to my friend
The machine fell broke my clay tureen
Instant karma you may say
Indeed it was
Better to have it happen now
Than down the line
As I have written many times
Karma has its just returns
Cause and effect
Eye for an eye
oh dear me!
A New Clay Pot
So onto Ebay I did go
To try and find another pot
I searched from pillar to post
For French clay one I liked the most
But lack of awareness screwed me up
I left my kettle on the hob
And when I back to kitchen went
The hob was burnt my kettle black
Perhaps this the doom I felt
Much earlier in the day
Now I am laughing at it all
For humorous the whole thing is
Even the $30 cost
I think!!!!.........
To try and find another pot
I searched from pillar to post
For French clay one I liked the most
But lack of awareness screwed me up
I left my kettle on the hob
And when I back to kitchen went
The hob was burnt my kettle black
Perhaps this the doom I felt
Much earlier in the day
Now I am laughing at it all
For humorous the whole thing is
Even the $30 cost
I think!!!!.........
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The Fun One Within
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hereWhere does Creativity Go
hereA Tale of Cosmic Creation
hereWatching Turtles by the Pond..a Meditation
hereThe Illuminati and their Corruption
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Youtube for the video
Loving Each Day quotes on
The Fun One Within
read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything in between by clicking on cnwriter.carolina at top of this page and more
hereWhere does Creativity Go
hereA Tale of Cosmic Creation
hereWatching Turtles by the Pond..a Meditation
hereThe Illuminati and their Corruption