Friday, January 31, 2014

A Humorous Incident to Relate..How Karma Returns No Matter What...In Many many Ways

In God's arms

If you're going to be by yourself
Be in God's arms
It is the best place to be
When you wake up

For there you still will find yourself
When you arise
If you do anything else
Good luck to you

Or really God luck
For only God is really good
The rest of us mediocre be
Or working hard at it maybe

Memory lingers on

Not an admonition this
Just as things turn out to be
Think back to when good things you did
A smile across your face will come
Memory then serves you well

Yet thoughts you had of different kind
Not nice things you did think and do
The pain of doing them returns
For only yourself do you  hurt
Those memories linger on

I know I have both places been

Instant Karma

Just last night an incident occurred
I use white sound to cover noise
But with a certain vindictiveness
And as I demonstrated to my friend
The machine fell broke my clay tureen

Instant karma you may say
Indeed it was
Better to have it happen now
Than down the line

As I have written many times
Karma has its just returns
Cause and effect
Eye for an eye

oh dear me!

A New Clay Pot

So onto Ebay I did go
To try and find another pot
I searched from pillar to post
For French clay one I liked the most

But lack of awareness screwed me up
I left my kettle on the hob
And when I back to kitchen went
The hob was burnt my kettle black

Perhaps this the doom I felt
Much earlier in the day
Now I am laughing at it all
For humorous the whole thing is
Even the $30 cost

I think!!!!......


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hereWhere does Creativity Go
hereA Tale of Cosmic Creation
hereWatching Turtles by the Pond..a Meditation
hereThe Illuminati and their Corruption


Thursday, January 30, 2014

Where does Creativity Go when Hiding Away it seems to Do....

It seems that as the planet moves through its moods so do we too...some of us are aware of the movements some are not...but when in a blue mood downward swing really the best thing to do is to look up and smile and with the help of some very good friends as I have here we will be on the path that dances and sings again...


Where does creativity go
When it hides away from you
Hidden maybe safe away
Waiting to re-emerge one day
Perhaps this is so

Yet over me a sense of doom
Hangs heavy
Not the full moon
That went many days ago
Now a sliver in the sky
Barely visible at night
Amongst the many stars
Winking in the Milky Way


A lesson here for me to learn
Something I have not looked at yet
Seeing in a different way
What I thought already knew

Perhaps a situation yet to come
One I may not want to face
Far beyond control of mine
Belonging in another place

Still it sends out energy
A miasma of strangeness
A mist through which
I cannot see


So turn and look another way
Inside where joy always prevails
Lightness a song will sing
Of the loving heart

Do not stray too far from this
Into places where not to be
Some may choose
Not me

Refocus on where you want to go
That is all it takes to do
So simple
Yet for many hard to do

Preferring in their shit to stay
Misery loves company
You maybe
Not me
The Lesson
A lesson here to tell
Some to heaven go
Some to hell
As said and written many times
It is always your choice

Yet into this equation comes
A force of Light so strong
Living in God's Holy Thoughts
We do it all along

There is no other way to go
We can only be whom we are

and so it is


Have you tried Wikinut yet? Write about whatever you like and get paid royalties – here
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My Blue Mood
The One Who Writes Within

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hereTogetherness...then Not
hereGods and Goddesses
hereThe Stage of Life
hereHeaven and Hell


Sunday, January 26, 2014

How Powerful is Your Imagination...How Powerfully Can You Create......

The imagination is one of our most powerful tools to use for in it we can create anything.  Yet we also get everything that goes with that creation so it would be wise to hold images of loving and light, joy and abundance always For The Highest Good.  

Making it Real

Darkness falls
Streets grow grim
Energy follows thought
The prowler it is him

Imagined in by those
Whose minds run circles thus
What if he gets me down this road
As on my way I go

Who is he
I ask
That brings up fear in you
You dwell upon and make it real
So powerful is creation
Yours and mine
On formless energy create
Something that can take a form

Nothing after all...

Streets grow light
Nothing is there
Just an empty dust bin
Sitting in the road

Leaves upon the ground
When walked upon go crunch
Was that the sound you thought
Chasing you last night

A big sigh of relief comes through
No-one is there
Just a shadow on the path
From a lantern overhead

Yet in the moment of your fear
Everything seemed so real
Just as all will appear
When you make it so

Irrational thinking

Beat You Up They Will

These are the ways clever people do
Make you believe in what they have for you
Dangle things that look so very good
But really within them are contained
Seeds of poison for body and mind

If you do not partake
To you they come
And beat you up
It has been done

Farmers who would not buy
Genetically modified goods
Killed and murdered by bullyboys
Sent out by big companies
I will not say who

Lots of Light...

So my friends
Please be aware
If what I write is not for you
Unless you recognize something here
That resounds most drastically

Then lots of light to you
For that the best way is to go
I know....

and so it is...


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read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything in between by clicking on cnwriter.carolina at top of this page and more
hereThe Stage of Life
hereHow History Repeats Itself
hereOde to Bloggers Wherever They Are
hereThe Master of Words


Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Stage of Life..What Part are You Playing....

Stage of Life

I wonder why you come to me
You with such frivolity
Know you not just how to be
Playing on the stage of life
There are so many ways
To do your life
Say your says
Yet none of them resound too well

Always into another place they go
Neither high nor are they low
Mediocre so it seems

One Small Atom

Reminds me of forgotten dreams
Those that come deep in the night
When all awareness has long gone
Of this physicality

In another space are we
Heavenly there for us to see
To be
In our soul bodies travelling on

So profound there
All eternity
Caught in one small atom
You and me

Spaces Divine

Journey there
No doubts or fears are allowed
Just loving
All sublime
Truly spaces divine

Magic it is in every way
No night nor day
No differences can be
Just beingness
In one small hand
Encompassing universes

Eternal Now

I hear you say
This cannot be
But then caught in materiality
Are you

Nothing that churches have taught
Can ever give you truth
That you are a soul divine
Through lifetimes come to learn

So one day you can return
Into the heart of God
Not through another's book and word
But through the One who knows it All

Energy sublime
Encompassing all that ever can be
That ever has been
Or ever will take place
Eternal Now
Right now

Star Fire

In the dark of night
You come to me
Blood pours from twixt your thighs
Ambrosia of inmortality
Fountain of youth
Dew of the lily
Nectar of the goddess
Star Fire

and so it is....


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hereYour Life an Inspiration or....
hereGods and Goddesses
hereWalking In The Light
hereTo Do..To Be...What


youtube for the video
Derek Fiechter for the music
The One Who Writes Within

What Is...So What...What So...Your Life an Inspiration or A Mess....

Ebb and Flow

There is an ebb and flow in life
A journey yours to take
Always choosing where to go
With whom you want to be

Yet to this equation comes
A medley reaching far
Of people places things to do
Variations on a lilting theme
Multiples galore it seems
Yet through it all
Beginning unto end
A certain wariness doth wend
Doubt perchance at choices made


Looking back with vision clear
Hindsight such a marvellous thing
Non acceptance of what took place
Will only poison you right now

Then begin you may to wonder at
All the choices you have made
Seeing through distorted eyes
Only what world wants to show

Clever are the tricks played on
Those who gullible so often are
Not realizing what has been done
Was perfect at the time

Others...Now You

You see the skulls of other ones
They who have been here
Now gone
Yet once in human form they dwelled

Did they do good
And bless the land with love
Or did they do some other thing
That ended up in hate

Only you know
Only you can do the same
Or maybe do a different thing
Your choice again

Making Changes

Now with wisdom learned
From all the so called errors made
Better to observe before
Into new areas of life you go

Observation a clear state
Without judgements you can look
At situations coming forth
Neutrality the big key here

A clear look at what is up
No past issues added on
No thoughts
No feelings
Just clarity of seeing
What Is
So What
What So

and so it is....


Have you tried Wikinut yet? Write about whatever you like and get paid royalties – here
write for wikinut here to bring greater awareness to people

youtube for the video
Levon Mkrtchyan for the music
My friends for the pictures
The One Who Knows Within
Teachings of the Spiritual Heart

read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything in between by clicking on cnwriter.carolina at top of this page and more
hereGods and Goddesses
hereWho Are You..Do You Really Know..
hereThe Search for Truth
hereEnormous Changes and Revelations


Monday, January 13, 2014 a Knowledgeable Writer of Words....

Ramblings from a Knowledgeable Writer of Words....

cnwriter..carolinaWe all lose awareness of what is going in the moment and then all sorts of things happen. We day dream or our minds go off on a watching people texting and not even knowing they are driving anymore...and so it goes...

The Fall

Every day brings forth new things
Happenings of strangest kinds
Sometimes premonitions we do get
I did so yesterday in morn

A kind of dread inside of me
I put it all into the Light
Went on my merry way
Cleaning my parquet floor
Was order of the day
For sure bit of a klutz I be
So slipped I did on wet floor and fell
Bruised me bloody but and arm
Twisted my fragile body well

A Ramble

Skinny I am
Bag of rattling bones
Scarce clothed by any fat or meat
A form delectable indeed
But not to eat!!!!!

This morning I did arise
Stiff my shoulders and my neck
So off to chiropractor will go
His magic then can make me whole
Again....I hope

They say hold hope in one hand
Water in the other
See which fills up the fastest
Oh oh oh....

Healing Myself

Kinesiology he too will do
Perhaps this accident brought from the past
For me to clear and let go
Whatever Bryan can do he will

Interesting it was
I checked my fascia myself today
Found it had dropped to below 5
Did my finger exercize
Up it did go to number 9

Fascinating what we can do to heal ourselves!!!

But still the aches and stiffness carry on
So will do what I can
With help of Bryan McMullen
My friend and chiropractor


A smile across my face doth creep
Realize I do it is all fun
Living in this human bod
It can do and take so much

Important to take good care of them
J-R always said when leaving me
'Take good care of your self'
I think I do

Sometimes though my mind takes off
No longer am I aware
Of what is going on around
That is when things happen

Watch how your car goes to the side
When you look away from road
Let kettle boil away
When on the phone

Texting talking on cell whilst in car
No awareness then of others have
So dangerous all this be
To you
To me

and so it is


Have you tried Wikinut yet? Write about whatever you like and get paid royalties – here
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Dr. Bryan McMullen, Beverly Hills, CA
google for the pics

read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything in between by clicking on cnwriter.carolina at top of this page and more
hereFrom Diabolo to Spirito
hereEnergetics of Loving
hereWhat Lies Behind Your Eyes
hereCosmic Tale of Creation
