Saturday, January 3, 2015

Through Time....the devastation of Wars

cnwriter..carolinaStarred PageBy cnwriter..carolina, 24th Aug 2012  Short URL
Posted in Wikinut>Writing>Essays
War has always the cause of devastation through the ages of man. Every age has played a part in the useless killing of and savagery against mankind.

Devastation of War

To war to war warmongers cried beating drums in disarraymarching orders came and went none of it was heaven sent
The doings of those mad for power

The paths along the soldiers marched were muddied up by booted feethorses neighed and pawed the ground
A bloody sight for all to see 

Rape and pillage fire and scorn for human life went on and on
Across the land now dark and torn bloody streams where once did flow clean fresh water
Forests where trees are broken stumps green shining countryside now bare and burned smouldering fires shudder
The Gods look Down
The war hath endeth now they say
The fight is over all can see
Won by heroes who stood their ground
Whilst all around them others fell

And then a mighty cry went up to Heaven
Beseeching all the Gods to look at the destruction far below

Zeus mightiest of them all whose name brought awe
Nepture God of water and the sea his trident sharp
And Hera Goddess of Women, Queen of the Gods her beauty quite sublime
Diana Goddess of the Moon her brother Apollo God of the Sun
In this divinity profound they stood watching the antics of mere man
So laughable and petty it was to Them

Supreme were they these Gods Beings divine and bright
That on them no man could look without becoming blind

Gods supreme

And yet reflected in their shields
Was all the soldiers saw
Their shields of molten iron
Their swords of golden ore
Each made for them

By smithies bold
Who knew their job damn well

Xerxes and the Immortals

In bygone days when this took place
They had been chosen by the King
He knew the strife was yet to come
And be prepared he would

He sat upon an iron throne his glittering armour strong
Around him they did stand the Immortals men of Persia all were they
Trained so highly men of men
Ensuring who came near the king would die instead
Xerxes this rule did make

Around him there stood many men
And many women too
All vying for a place
At court

It mattered not who they were
Their colour or their race

So they rode out
Planning ways to discover
Resolutions good and proper
To help mankind his journey home
With good intention
Doing, Being and Saying

It mattereth not

From whence they came
And where they go
It matters not to me

I have no time
For what they do
Or what they say
A bucket full of shit
It is

Through all these platitudes
And words pages galore
I am just being me

Sometimes I am angry
Sometimes am sad
Always loving
No matter what

They all add up to me

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