True Wealth comes from within and as you make that journey, you will find your own abundance and prosperity
An Attitude of Gratitude
They say money makes the world go around and around and around but I think the world is going around and aroundbecause that is its nature..Rudolph Steiner says the mission of the earth is loving. Slow progress is being made whilst the Illuminati pressure their minions to destroy all that is loving and good but since they no longer have the power they once had, their works are being negated by higher spiritual forces.
Our beautiful planet came very close to being destroyed through the wanton actions of the Illuminati up to quite recently but now assisted by beings from other planets the lifting into the Age of Aquarius and the Golden Age predicted so long ago is in progress.
So you say why the title Wealth from the Heart? How does that apply?
My friends, true Wealth comes from the is also comes from an Attitude of Gratitude wherein you reach intodimensions within yourself to produce the wealth of your beingness into the world and that attracts, quite naturally, abundance and prosperity. You can also slog day and night for your pennies and turn them into pounds but that takes so much energy, so much wheeling and dealing and at the end of it, it will be taken from you by others or you die and leave it behind. But the Wealth of your Heart stays with you as you journey through your lifetimes and one day when you really see, I mean really see, you will know it.
and so it is..
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