First Four Signs...
ARIES (March 21 – April 19)
This month it would serve you to take good care of your health and well being especially your upper body through diet and exercize. This might be the time to have a few massages too. With your planet of health, Mercury, moving backwards on June 7 take notice of any changes. On June 29 value conscious Venus moves into your House of Money so your earning abilities will improve.
Must do: Be patient with loved ones
Memorable day: june13
TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)
Even though sometimes you feel you really are not too wise when it comes to financial matters at this time you are at a peak especially regarding wealth and abundance. With resourceful Venus in tandem with invincible Pluto between June 8 and June 12 some great opportunities can arise for you to enjoy the many aspects of romance that come your way. So look and act your best!
Must do: Be realistic
Memorable day: june 24
This month it would serve you to take good care of your health and well being especially your upper body through diet and exercize. This might be the time to have a few massages too. With your planet of health, Mercury, moving backwards on June 7 take notice of any changes. On June 29 value conscious Venus moves into your House of Money so your earning abilities will improve.
Must do: Be patient with loved ones
Memorable day: june13
TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)
Even though sometimes you feel you really are not too wise when it comes to financial matters at this time you are at a peak especially regarding wealth and abundance. With resourceful Venus in tandem with invincible Pluto between June 8 and June 12 some great opportunities can arise for you to enjoy the many aspects of romance that come your way. So look and act your best!
Must do: Be realistic
Memorable day: june 24
GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)On June 7 when logical Mercury turns retrograde in cautious Cancer you might check your financial health. Look over everything to do with your wealth, bank statements, shares, etc etc so you have a good picture of what is going on. This is also a period when you need to take time for yourself. On June 23 seductive Venus will be moving through your sign and this could turn out to be a most creative time for you.
Must do: Check carefully
Must do: Check carefully
Memorable day: june 27
CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
The visionary Sagittarius Full Moon on June 13 will be in your House of Responsibility so you might want to look carefully at issues at work and in your personal relationships. Not with concern just a worthwhile checking tto see if you can do anything to improve them. Throughout this month self directed Mars continues its movement through your House of Personal Environment which can be most helpful for you.
Must do: Keep an eye on your finances
Memorable day: june 18
CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
The visionary Sagittarius Full Moon on June 13 will be in your House of Responsibility so you might want to look carefully at issues at work and in your personal relationships. Not with concern just a worthwhile checking tto see if you can do anything to improve them. Throughout this month self directed Mars continues its movement through your House of Personal Environment which can be most helpful for you.
Must do: Keep an eye on your finances
Memorable day: june 18
Second Four Signs
LEO (July 23 – August 22)
When Mercury goes retrograde in your House of Harmony on June 7 you may think your life is in chaos and this could affect you adversely if you allow it to. Best to keep order in everything you do. It just means paying special attention something you sometimes have difficulty doing. You are not a Leo for no reason which is great when you in top form but at other times you do need to check.
Must do: Be kind to yourself
Memorable day: june 23
VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)
With quicksilver Mercury in your House of Inner Awareness till June 7 your intuitive reflexes are working in such a way that you intuit things before they happen. New friends and directions seem to come out of the blue but important it is to look carefully so you don’t go down paths that could lead to nowhere especially where finances re concerned. Also keep a watch on your health, your diet and your exercise programs.
Must do: Be creative
Memorable day: june 13
LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)
Your perception on the world and its happenings may come under some questioning if you are too adamant. Best to keep them to yourself especially till June 5 when mighty Mercury turns direct again. Regarding your career everything seems to be moving in a very positive manner so do not let doubts block your vision of success. Finances can improve when you apply yourself to having more.
Must do: You very best
Memorable day june 8
SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)
A time of transformation indeed continuing through till June 21. When new things appear in your life time to look at them without all the old agendas blocking your clear vision. Also let go of the strings attaching you to your perception of what should be. It will make life so much easier to handle both financially and in your personal relationships. The protective Cancer Full Moon on June 27 brings in new opportunities.
Must do: Take care of yourself
Memorable day: june 13
When Mercury goes retrograde in your House of Harmony on June 7 you may think your life is in chaos and this could affect you adversely if you allow it to. Best to keep order in everything you do. It just means paying special attention something you sometimes have difficulty doing. You are not a Leo for no reason which is great when you in top form but at other times you do need to check.
Must do: Be kind to yourself
Memorable day: june 23
VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)
With quicksilver Mercury in your House of Inner Awareness till June 7 your intuitive reflexes are working in such a way that you intuit things before they happen. New friends and directions seem to come out of the blue but important it is to look carefully so you don’t go down paths that could lead to nowhere especially where finances re concerned. Also keep a watch on your health, your diet and your exercise programs.
Must do: Be creative
Memorable day: june 13
LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)
Your perception on the world and its happenings may come under some questioning if you are too adamant. Best to keep them to yourself especially till June 5 when mighty Mercury turns direct again. Regarding your career everything seems to be moving in a very positive manner so do not let doubts block your vision of success. Finances can improve when you apply yourself to having more.
Must do: You very best
Memorable day june 8
SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)
A time of transformation indeed continuing through till June 21. When new things appear in your life time to look at them without all the old agendas blocking your clear vision. Also let go of the strings attaching you to your perception of what should be. It will make life so much easier to handle both financially and in your personal relationships. The protective Cancer Full Moon on June 27 brings in new opportunities.
Must do: Take care of yourself
Memorable day: june 13
Third Four Signs
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)
Sharing your abundance with others will be a key element for you to practice. As you do this doors to more will open for you for that is how the universe works. With vulnerable Venus still transiting sensible Taurus and your House of Responsibility until June 23 it will be a good time to check your health routines of diet and exercize and make sure they are working for you - otherwise make changes.
Must do: review your life
Memorable day june 20
CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)
With powerful Cancer moving through your House of Partnerships until June 7, this is good time to cement relationships both business and personal. Clear and concise communication will be an important part of this. Something that you are good at! Mercury the Messenger starts moving backward into restless Gemini on June 17 and relationships may get a little strained but that will clear later in the month.
Must do: be aware
Memorable day june 22
AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)
A lot of activity in your life will be taking place ‘behind the scenes’ . In other words you will be watching what is happening as if from a higher place inside. This will afford you a clearer vision to discern some of the changes taking place without reacting and upsetting yourself. These changes could be in your personal relationships and/or business. Just be aware that they may take place leaving space for better things to happen.
Must do: just watch
Memorable day june 17
PISCES (February 19 – March 20)
Being watchful of your health is important and doing the things that will enhance your well being advisable. Taking walks in the fresh air, breathing deeply and eating properly figure here. Your creativity is strong as is your ability to communicate clearly. With graceful Venus moving through curious Taurus starting on June 23 you may encounter some strange but interesting happenings, some of which could lead to improved finances.
Must do: enjoy it all
Memorable day june 19
Sharing your abundance with others will be a key element for you to practice. As you do this doors to more will open for you for that is how the universe works. With vulnerable Venus still transiting sensible Taurus and your House of Responsibility until June 23 it will be a good time to check your health routines of diet and exercize and make sure they are working for you - otherwise make changes.
Must do: review your life
Memorable day june 20
CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)
With powerful Cancer moving through your House of Partnerships until June 7, this is good time to cement relationships both business and personal. Clear and concise communication will be an important part of this. Something that you are good at! Mercury the Messenger starts moving backward into restless Gemini on June 17 and relationships may get a little strained but that will clear later in the month.
Must do: be aware
Memorable day june 22
AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)
A lot of activity in your life will be taking place ‘behind the scenes’ . In other words you will be watching what is happening as if from a higher place inside. This will afford you a clearer vision to discern some of the changes taking place without reacting and upsetting yourself. These changes could be in your personal relationships and/or business. Just be aware that they may take place leaving space for better things to happen.
Must do: just watch
Memorable day june 17
PISCES (February 19 – March 20)
Being watchful of your health is important and doing the things that will enhance your well being advisable. Taking walks in the fresh air, breathing deeply and eating properly figure here. Your creativity is strong as is your ability to communicate clearly. With graceful Venus moving through curious Taurus starting on June 23 you may encounter some strange but interesting happenings, some of which could lead to improved finances.
Must do: enjoy it all
Memorable day june 19
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