Sunday, May 11, 2014

Back in Time What Was...Yet Here Today We Be....

Another Time

Way far back in times of yore
When glorious beings amongst us dwelled
Those who held the keys to travel
Into other realms

Some still do 

A different age indeed it was
Far more accomplished than today
Technologies far beyond
Ever we could think of or display
Skeptics will not believe
But it is so
Archeological digs
Proof indeed

Book of Enoch

Achievements in thoughts and deeds
Man could leave his body finite
Ascend to other places at night
Returning then during the day
Not strange at all was this to them
The book of Enoch speaks of this
Excluded from Old Testament
All about a Watcher called Kashdejan
Explained he did to men
Dangers of sickness and disease
How to clear them

The Serpent

If we will travel back in time
To Southern Mesopotamia
The ancient Ubaid culture there
Portrayed gods and goddesses
With features serpentine
The serpent in those days healing signified
Self-energizing creative force of supreme spirit

Now that force of Kundalini
Apparent in our medical emblem
Two coiled serpents spiraling round
Winged caduceus of messenger God Mercury

Light and Sound....

The heart receptacle of love
Beats a million times a day
Blood flows through your veins
Like streams of joy
If you allow

God of the heart
Well of pure loving

Take this journey of LIGHT and SOUND
Living In God's Holy Thoughts
Speaking of Ultimates Now Divine

Yours to share
Loving of the spiritual heart

How beautiful
Always will be...
Always Is....


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The One Who Writes Within
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read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything in between by clicking on cnwriter.carolinaat top of this page and more
hereGarden of Eden
hereDeep Thoughts to Ponder On..
hereBloodline of the Holy Grail
hereAges of Man..
herePassageway to God

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  1. Great post Carolan, I have adopted the Infinity symbol into my newly founded INFINITY 8 SPIRIT GROUP

  2. wonderful where do I find u lots, carolan xox
