Many here now have also been at different times of history...if we could look back and some of us can, we can discover what we did right or wrong and thusly make amends. Given we are chance after chance to forgive ourselves and move on...enjoy...
Mighty Men and Women
Cross fields of time rode mighty men
Through history they made their way
Those who stood in righteousness
Bathed in light of Godliness
Always on planet such as these
Men and women of valor
Taking on enormous tasks
Sending darkness back to source
Standing for light and love
Qualities of life worthwhile
To do to be to manifest
To all humanity
Through history they made their way
Those who stood in righteousness
Bathed in light of Godliness
Always on planet such as these
Men and women of valor
Taking on enormous tasks
Sending darkness back to source
Standing for light and love
Qualities of life worthwhile
To do to be to manifest
To all humanity
Hand in Hand
Giving of the goodness of themselves
The truth and that which lies inside
Spirit coming more alive in those
Tarnished not by unseen foes
They the ones walk hand in hand
Knowing the Beloved deep within
Knowing themselves and God as One
The way it meant to be
No separation allowed
Joy fills your heart
Welling up from deep inside
Miracles can happen then
As they do most every day...
The truth and that which lies inside
Spirit coming more alive in those
Tarnished not by unseen foes
They the ones walk hand in hand
Knowing the Beloved deep within
Knowing themselves and God as One
The way it meant to be
No separation allowed
Joy fills your heart
Welling up from deep inside
Miracles can happen then
As they do most every day...
Which Path You Choose
It mattereth not what you believe
All pathways lead to God
Many people there are indeed
Each telling of a different way
Those who say
Theirs is the only way
Flee from
For they from ego come
Many pathways be into the heart of God
Choose wisely which one you walk upon
Do not go astray
Yet even that eventually will lead back home
All pathways lead to God
Many people there are indeed
Each telling of a different way
Those who say
Theirs is the only way
Flee from
For they from ego come
Many pathways be into the heart of God
Choose wisely which one you walk upon
Do not go astray
Yet even that eventually will lead back home
Carrying On...
The choice always to carry on
Beyond the trials you set yourself
So very long ago
When with Lords of Karma you did sit
Deciding then what you could clear
In your journey back to God
If for one small instant you could see
How magnificent you are
Bright beautiful inside
Shining soul seen through your eyes
No more would ever want to be
Anything else
Stand you do with those mighty men
Women too
The ones I wrote of formerly
Different expressions
Ways of being
Adding up to what we be
Children of God in entirety
and so it is...
Beyond the trials you set yourself
So very long ago
When with Lords of Karma you did sit
Deciding then what you could clear
In your journey back to God
If for one small instant you could see
How magnificent you are
Bright beautiful inside
Shining soul seen through your eyes
No more would ever want to be
Anything else
Stand you do with those mighty men
Women too
The ones I wrote of formerly
Different expressions
Ways of being
Adding up to what we be
Children of God in entirety
and so it is...
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