Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Whom are we...

Through different periods of our lives
We reach and pull into ourselves
Teachings of a higher kind
Vibrations fine
At least some do

When coming from our negative thoughts
Those we place within our minds
Or take from another
Vibrations heavy
Discoloured what we see becomes
When we use them as our own
Not in reality are we
Using something not is ours
False images they be

What is reality

True reality resides within
Beyond the mind
Beyond even what we see
Through filters we have placed
Through other's teachings
Ways of being
Distortions of the truth

That Which Is
Without embellishment at all

Where will you look

When you can subscribe to this
On your way you have become
Stepping small steps into the heart of God
Where truth stands as eternal Now

In this Oneness you are one
With yourself and everyone
No separation there be
'Twixt you and me

Walk we may different paths in life
That is the way that it should be
Always looking to the Light
Not sideways at others' faults


Such simplicity it is
Too simple for some to see
Their way is through pain and suffering
And make it yours they would indeed
This the way of churchianity
Brought to fruition through church of rome
Perhaps some really believed it true
As they still do

Disregarding the teachings of love and light and sound
Taught by Master Jesus Himself
His words in the Book of John
The beloved One....

and so it is....

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Righteousess...Wrongness...A Spoof....

Rightness...Wrongness...Two sides of Grey...

  • Monsters

    Monsters there are everywhere
    Cloaked in darkness 
    Bathed in hate
    Cleverly covered 

    Spitting out mundanities
    Whilst waving flags seemingly peace
    Blackness gathered underneath
    Ghouls in lifelike forms

    Spread across the world they are
    Their words torrents of gloom 
    Falling like clouds of doom
    Oft directed purposely


    Many are those invaded by them
    Not really knowing why
    Purpose filled attacks 
    Coming from every corner
    Every side

    The world in Age of Iron be
    Darkest Age of all
    When myriads of creatures crawl
    Between the cracks
    From down below

    Saw toothed
    Dead eyes
    Nails curled
    Misshapen bodies

    Meal that day

    Along the tracks 
    In deep white snow
    The hunter sought his prey
    Looking for signs leading him 
    His meal that day

    One to tear to shreds of flesh
    Bone marrow 
    Skin and tongue
    Mattered not the bloody taste

    Incorporate the hunter could
    The thoughts and images contained within
    As on the body gnawed

    From Within

    Did you ever think on that
    How syphon off you can
    That which to another doth belong
    Not material things
    Of no import are they
    It is the things within that count
    Placed there by works of knowing

    Disturb they try to do
    The monsters from afar
    In human shape 
    So often found
    Sometimes not realizing themselves
    Who they are

    Righteous...wrongness...what is your game

    Two sides have you
    Both dark and light
    Inbetween is grey

    Balance you do precariously
    Sometimes each side you take
    As all do

    Most people refuse to own all this
    Stand on a pulpit 
    In righteousness
    Wrongness might be a better name

    karma catches up with it surely will do....

Monday, April 28, 2014

Your Way...My Way...Let It Be OUR Way..

WE all need to agree to disagree..respect each other's choices and still be able to say what we choose without taking it the wrong way and reacting.  Being human we all will do these things but some of us will quickly move beyond and be big enough to apologise for any offence taken..
Grammar changes everywhere
Spelling of words too
Different countries different ways
Add up to the way we are

Comments too
Or is this so?
I often wonder
Or no....

People ready to jump on you
If you disagree with them
Not walk their path
Say what they say
Think the way they do

Conflicts become.....

From small acorns
Trees do grow
Conflicts into wars become
Just because we are not the same

We see it everyday

Come Together....

The Beatles once did sing
A message sent out to be heard
By all
Bar none

Listen to it carefully
Sharing in blogs
Blogs ways to see
What others think and do
Their path of life

So fortunate are we
To share in their sharing
Sometimes disagree
But always in good cheer

Some it be.....

Some vicious may be
Such people deride me
Vindictive too
Like scum rising to the top
Of chicken soup
Ladled off with silver spoon

Again the Beatles say it so succinctly
don't let her under your skin
just let her into your heart
and so it.....


Have you tried Wikinut yet? Write about whatever you like and get paid royalties – here
write for wikinut here to bring greater awareness to people

youtube for the video and music
The One Who Writes Within
My friends for the pics
J-R for all His Wisdoms
JW who inspired me to write this.... he whom I respect very much

read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything in between by clicking on cnwriter.carolina at top of this page and more
hereLasting Relationships
hereCould This Be?
hereHello, hello Sir Bloody Crow
hereOde to Leo

Join me on the sites below:


Friday, April 25, 2014

Seen Through A Glass Darkly.....

Seeing Through a Glass Darkly

  • Well if I say it myself this has the grey matter twirling and whirling around and around.  Soup to nuts and back again a tale is told with a meaning buried within  plain sight...enjoy...some will have a good laugh as I do..

    Seeing through a darkened glass

    Through tiny eyes they view the world
    The one they have been programmed to
    Bell book and candle burning bright
    Every day and every night
    Like mandrakes growing wild
    Along the mediterranean coast
    Their peculiarity looking human 
    When pinched and tied as they grow
    Like some people that we know
    For whom bells toll

    Bound together hand and foot
    No freedom left to them
    To give or to receive
    Influenced are they by others
    Poor unhappy dears

    Fields of delight

    Bondage of a certain kind
    Not knowing it is so
    They forgot to play and laugh
    In the fields of delight

    Where corn grows high
    Lavender fills the air
    Birds and bees fly everywhere
    Even butterflies too

    Joy filled they find their way
    Man has no inkling of the tune
    That sings within an insects heart
    A serenade of twinkling notes
    Listen and you will hear

    Murder Ahoy

    Magic of a child's smile
    When still so innocent is
    Before the influence of others
    Changes it to pain

    Try another tack
    Loving will bring it back
    Kindness and joy
    Words and actions that lift

    Not the ones that bind
    Oh so good they are at that

    Thinking they will overwhelm you
    Overtake oneupmanship
    Jealousy and greed

    Malice aforethought as Dame Margaret Rutherford
    So succinctly said...
    In Murder Ahoy

    Busy buzzing bees

    I close this with a singular smile
    Have entertained myself right royally
    Words flit through my consciousness
    Like busy buzzing bees

    Some will I am sure 
    Take offense at what is written here
    Find a way to discredit me 
    Joining with others
    As they so often do

    But as my good friend says
    Their goodness comes to me
    Their badness returns to them

    and so it is...

    ps the pic is of two mandrake roots joining..from wikipedia commons

Friday, April 18, 2014

The Call of Loving from Within


The call for loving
Echoes within
Inner depths of being
Where lives begin

To hear you listen closely
Carefully indeed
Many voices can be heard
But only one will speak of love

This the one to follow closely
Tell you the Beloved be
That is enough


What you start with heart's intent
Perfection of the purest kind
This work will be finished by the Christ
An energy profound
It lies within the reach of us
That consciousness has been around
Since the beginning of time
Manifesting through different ones
A mirrored reflection of the One


As time passed by Jesus was born
In mystery schools he studied
Learning of the words of God
Sharing them with many people

He knew the work He had to do
That betrayal would be His end

Yet pre-ordained this to be done
No random act of one small man
Judas chosen to do this work
An honour given
A brave man

Not realizing totally what he would do
Yet impelled to carry out
All roads lead to enlightenment
This the pathway that he chose

Christ Consciousness

Before through endless time
Billions of years
Christ consciousness
In many had been placed
An energy profound

In Christ Jesus another One
Down into depths of hell He went
To save the souls of many men
Who had transgressed

This task given to him
By Father Mother God
When Lucifer the misbegotten Son
Beautiful indeed was He
Fell from his majesty
Into the pits of hell

Portals of Light

Christ Jesus took upon Himself
To bring all souls back into God
And those who called upon His Name
Released would be
To enter through portals of Light
No longer lost in purgatory

This is what His blood flowed for
Like water on the ground
Bringing new life
New lovingness
To mankind

and so it is


Have you tried Wikinut yet? Write about whatever you like and get paid royalties – here
write for wikinut here to bring greater awareness to people

youtube for the video and music
The One Who Writes Within
My friends for the pics
My Traveller

read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything in between by clicking on cnwriter.carolinaat top of this page and more

Join me on the sites below:


Thursday, April 17, 2014

Love...the Strongest Link of All


Remember me this day
And if you may
No separation can there be
When hearts together come

Loving made manifest
Then carries on
Like ripples of a stream
Moving slowly yet so strong
Bringing newness
Joy to everyone

Greatest Gift

A time to rejoice
You and me
We share our hearts so lovingly
The greatest gift that we can see
Knowing you
Knowing me

Reflections of a different kind
When into other's eyes we gaze
Seeing beyond physicality
Seeing soul shine


Mirrors reflecting endlessly
That Which Is
A certainty
Given us long long ago

Carried on through lifetimes
We have spent
Sometimes together
Sometimes apart
Yet on and on
The skein of beingness doth flow

Now time it is to know
The vastness of eternity
Flowing from a mighty source
Realms of light beyond recall
Transcending these for all to do

The train..

Along the tracks a train doth chuff
Hedgerows on either side
White flowers peeping through
Air is pure and fresh to breath
Sky so blue

Children run from everywhere
To gaze at such a sight
They know the train has come for them
To take them all back home

Messages arrived at every door
Born by birds so white
On window panes they pecked away
Till opened up they were

Little hands held out
Waiting to receive
The summons there contained

At night in dreams they had been told
The visitors would come
Telling them where they should go
Which carriage was for them

Wheel of Fate

Parents weep
Their children gone
No power can separate
For love the strongest link of all

One day again they will meet
In other lands
At other times
So perfect is the will of Him
Spinning eternity
Wheel of Fate

and so it is

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Those Through Time Have Come....

Many here now have also been at different times of history...if we could look back and some of us can, we can discover what we did right or wrong and thusly make amends.  Given we are chance after chance to forgive ourselves and move on...enjoy...

Mighty Men and Women

Cross fields of time rode mighty men
Through history they made their way
Those who stood in righteousness
Bathed in light of Godliness

Always on planet such as these
Men and women of valor
Taking on enormous tasks
Sending darkness back to source
Standing for light and love
Qualities of life worthwhile
To do to be to manifest
To all humanity

Hand in Hand

Giving of the goodness of themselves
The truth and that which lies inside
Spirit coming more alive in those
Tarnished not by unseen foes

They the ones walk hand in hand
Knowing the Beloved deep within
Knowing themselves and God as One
The way it meant to be

No separation allowed
Joy fills your heart
Welling up from deep inside
Miracles can happen then

As they do most every day...

Which Path You Choose

It mattereth not what you believe
All pathways lead to God

Many people there are indeed
Each telling of a different way
Those who say
Theirs is the only way
Flee from
For they from ego come

Many pathways be into the heart of God
Choose wisely which one you walk upon
Do not go astray

Yet even that eventually will lead back home

Carrying On...

The choice always to carry on
Beyond the trials you set yourself
So very long ago
When with Lords of Karma you did sit
Deciding then what you could clear
In your journey back to God

If for one small instant you could see
How magnificent you are
Bright beautiful inside
Shining soul seen through your eyes
No more would ever want to be
Anything else

Stand you do with those mighty men
Women too
The ones I wrote of formerly
Different expressions
Ways of being
Adding up to what we be
Children of God in entirety

and so it is...

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Ascending If You Will....or Stay Stuck in Malignancy....

No matter how you travel you will in time reach into That Which Is...malignancy now lays heavy on the land through people who only in darkness dwell but this too will change...and the glory of the Light will be in All...


In midst of time She flew
No knowing where to go
Where She ought to be
Lost in eternity

Waiting for reflection
Light to shine
Again seen through infinity

Sound to be heard
Chords increasing concurrently
Deepening one on the other
Heavenly music

Her path still unknown
Enduring to the end
Mighty are they who can do
Spiritual Warriors through space and time

Knowing Sublime

Dark now had become
No day yet arrived
Timelessness adjunct to

All this part of Her who knew
Keys had She to open ways
Universe to universe
And beyond

Magnificent colours
Purple hued
Sound of angels

Silence reigned
Hearts together came
Oneness finding ways
Together they flew

No Peace

Silence everywhere
In the beginning it was so
Till man with all his noise came to be
Taking quietness away

Lifting his voice above others
Trying so hard to be heard
In his malignancy
His ignorance

Not realizing he
An aberration had become
As others too
Who took away

Left no peace or quietness
Just noise and ugliness
Their faces
Portrayal of this
So clearly read


Are you one of these
Probably are
Aryans chose this path
Except for a few
Hard they are to find

These the ones who hide
In solitariness
Yet bliss it is to be
One so free

Able to move beyond space and time
Higher echelons to climb
Where peace and quiet still reign

and so it is...


Have you tried Wikinut yet? Write about whatever you like and get paid royalties – here
write for wikinut here to bring greater awareness to people

youtube for the video and music
The One Who Writes Within
My friends for the pics
Cihan for the screenplay and more

read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything in between by clicking on cnwriter.carolinaat top of this page and more
hereAnd So It Is...
hereMystery of Life
hereSonnet on Merlin in the Crystal Cave
hereLoud Voices of People Everywhere

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