What Is...Seeing...Being What Was
Posted in WikinutWritingPoetry
Dreams can show us ways that our realities deny. Be they erotic or other they lead us down paths we sometimes do not want to travel...and yet sometimes we do! no holds barred!!!
The Preying
Do not go there
I tell myself
A long forgotten dream
Is now reality
It preys upon me like a vampyre's kiss
Blood red lips are pursed to meet
Longings shake my body
The coldness inside gives way to heat
And cream oozes from every pore
Streams out like chem trails in the sky
I tell myself
A long forgotten dream
Is now reality
It preys upon me like a vampyre's kiss
Blood red lips are pursed to meet
Longings shake my body
The coldness inside gives way to heat
And cream oozes from every pore
Streams out like chem trails in the sky
The Telling
You ask me why I feel this way
I tell you it mattereth not
For only I can live my life
And do the things I want to do
No holds barred for me
Long ago and far away
I dreamed a dream that now today
A nightmare has become
Brought up it is for me to see
Wondering where and why and when
The tale could be told
I tell you it mattereth not
For only I can live my life
And do the things I want to do
No holds barred for me
Long ago and far away
I dreamed a dream that now today
A nightmare has become
Brought up it is for me to see
Wondering where and why and when
The tale could be told
Owning Myself
It seems a million years ago
That I beheld another world
Where light did shine from all around
No darkness leeched its way to me
No negativity allowed
In this place of sweet abandon
I did chance upon a man
In colour blue with eyes so green
He challenged me to be a queen
And own my royalty
He said you too will find
The beauty that is yours to be
Encompass all your lives to come
But never will you see
Yourself as now
No knowing
No being
These not allowed
That I beheld another world
Where light did shine from all around
No darkness leeched its way to me
No negativity allowed
In this place of sweet abandon
I did chance upon a man
In colour blue with eyes so green
He challenged me to be a queen
And own my royalty
He said you too will find
The beauty that is yours to be
Encompass all your lives to come
But never will you see
Yourself as now
No knowing
No being
These not allowed
Question Not...
Question not you who read this piece
For neither you nor I
Will ever know the answers
For there are none
Nor ever will there be
For neither you nor I
Will ever know the answers
For there are none
Nor ever will there be
Dispersed into a cloud of dust
They are
And there will stay for all eternity
and so it is
And there will stay for all eternity
and so it is
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Read more of my pages by clicking on cnwriter at top of this page from erotica to spirituality and most things inbetween
hereComings and Goings of a Writer
hereTravelling Through Universes Now Divine
hereBlood Lust or a Vampyre's Kiss
hereBest Attractions in Budapest
youtube for the video
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Read more of my pages by clicking on cnwriter at top of this page from erotica to spirituality and most things inbetween
hereComings and Goings of a Writer
hereTravelling Through Universes Now Divine
hereBlood Lust or a Vampyre's Kiss
hereBest Attractions in Budapest
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