Sunday, August 31, 2014

Science of the Gods...Vortex of Energy

This will not be understood by many and believed by very very few but it is still What Is and that is why I love writing such pages!   not to upset but to open closed minds...and there are a few here who will totally understand this page..enjoy

Vortex of Energy

Mysterious happenings
Taking place
Matter simply not energy
Universe filled with aether

Vortex of energy
Great power
Spirit can be called

Man tries to make it different
But all from same source
Supreme Being
Goes by any name

Worlds beyond

Bridge between natural
Substance of energy
Dismantling barrier
Twixt worlds beyond
Not changing
Atomic molecular structure
Substance of object
Not its form
Game of life....

'Solid as a rock'
Not true
Through water seeps
Again senses betray

Matter mainly empty space
Particles within buzzing around
Movement again
Name of this game

The Game of Life....

All your creation...

World an illusion be
Whirlpools in a busy stream
Thoughts and feelings
All you see
Dredged up inside of you
Placed on formless energy
Your creation
So it be

Spinning endlessly

Spinning round
Whirling dervishes
Out of body flew

Spirit manifesting
Great flows of energy
Blind to ways of world

so it is...

read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything in between 
hereSeptember 2014 Horoscopes
hereAnother World there Be...
hereBeyond the Fall...a Cosmic Creation piece
hereThe Aquarian Age..Crossing the Golden Bridge

Saturday, August 30, 2014

A Finding of Love For You...Maybe....Maybe Not.....

Always searching most people are for love...hither and thither they go...this one that....then one day finally they look inside and find what they ave always been looking for.......enjoy

A finding for you...

When love slips in
And finds you there
Take note
May never come again

So rare a finding
It can be
Depending what you want to see
Whom you want with you


So many parade
Their ways to do
Show things that are not true

An adage

An old adage be
Seek and ye will find
But if not knowing
What you want
How can you recognize
When to you arrives

A conondrum indeed

LIke raindrops
Falling from the sky
On top of curly heads
Eyes upward turned
Blinded by lies

karma returns...

Karma is a gracious thing
Chances given to redeem
Things you did in lifetimes gone
Around again have come

Soul in all its splendour knows
Spirit manifesting through
Listen to the voice within
Guides you on your way


Life is like a potpourri
Different flowers
Scents and colours
Dried together

Placed in varied
Yours to choose
If you so will

Gorgeous some will be
Others not that way
Yet if you take another look
Change quite subtly


Spirit comes alive
Present is with you
Every moment
Every day

Walk you will
Hand in hand with the Beloved
Knowing you and God as One...

and so it is....
read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything in between
hereWhy What Happens...Happens
hereTravelling Worlds Without End..
hereDictates of the Mind...
hereOde to a Green Eyed Lady....

youtube for the video and music
The One Who Writes Within
My friends for the pics
J-R for all His Wisdoms

pics from wikipedia commons and photos (image) used with permission of my personal friends

Friday, August 29, 2014

Mountains of the Moon...Beings of the Sun...and Us....You and Me



When you land upon the moon
What will you see there
A desolate landscape yes
Mountains of the moon
But what dwelt below
So empty looks
Myriads of things
Populated by animals
Different they today

Then a germ of things to come
Implanting within
Just as started germ of man
Billions of years ago

When sun and moon and earth were one


As always it will be
Throughout eternity
Higher beings make their way
Assisting those of lower nature
To becoming more

A wonderful service indeed

On sun these Beings there do live
Sending love through beams of light
Stream it doth from man to man
Warm ardent feelings of love

Cherubim and Seraphim and forces of the Thrones
Spirits of Wisdom Spirits of Will
A hierarchy of Beings so sublime
On the sun They do abide


Makes me wonder so it does
Why petty things like war and strife
And all the negativity
Play such a part in daily life

Much more so glorious is
Strive we can to place ourselves
In that higher way of being
Refine ourselves
Becoming chalices of light

A magnificent choice indeed
Not always easy to succeed
Intention leads the way
Work that never ends
A continual choosing That Which Is


Like the sunshine of a smile
Happiness will play upon your face
A heartwarming word to those you meet
Can lead the way

Like ripples on waters blue
When pebble strikes the wave
So loving reaches out
Far beyond where you can see

And doing this a bearer of Light you become

and so it is

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Man's inhumanity to animals, nature and to themselves...ha!

Non accountability..

I walked today along the way
Two little cats I saw
Sheltering from the sun
Under dilapidated car

So thin were they
It broke my heart
Is this what the world has come to
No caring
Accountable to none
Selfish bastards everyone
Most anyway

Should not judge
Forgive myself I do
But when uncaring hits in the face
What else to do

Thoughts and feelings do betray

September soon will come
Yet sun beats down relentlessly
Ozone layer now has gone
Man's greed again the cause

Cars speed by
By crazed men and women
In a hurry going nowhere

Think they are
Thoughts like feelings do betray

How rare...

Another age of different kind
Books and words of no import
Text and techiies all the rage
Perhaps lost ability
To even think

Even now the art of speech
Grows rare
People opposite do sit
No conversation does take place
Just jabbing fingers
Phone at ears


Age of Technology has arrived
Many pro's and con's
Mostly stupid people
Doing stupid things

Inane looks upon their faces
To anything of sense
Garbled are their voices
Who can understand
What they say

Yackety yacety yak...


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hereMy Lifetimes..How They Impact on Me Now...
hereThey Return Again...Again
hereThe Owl and the Pussy Cat...
hereMarch of the Drones
hereLick Mine...I will Lick Yours...

youtube for the video and music
The One Who Writes Within
My friends for the pics
J-R for all His Wisdoms

Herbs, The Aphrodisiacs of Love and health and harmony and healing


A fascinating article covering the history, ancient lore and beliefs regarding herbs, their aphrodisiacal properties, medicinal and culinary uses. A sweet, somewhat different perception of some well-known and much loved herbs. The Ancient and Modern Uses, Virtues, Delights and Magickal Properties of Herbs
  • From time immemorial lovers have sort after Elixirs of LOVE, and Aphrodisiacs to enhance the experience of their joining.

In olden days, wise women would brew herbs and potions to be sipped but most of them were then burned as witches. These women steeped in the old ways knew all about herbs and the effects they would have both as Aphrodisiacs and other medicinal uses. Nowadays we have doctors prescribing pills many of which were derived originally from herbs but now with new fangled technology, nearly anything can be modified.

But let us return to Herbs where it is stated ‘Better is a dish of herbs where love is than a fatted ox and hatred with it’ –Proverbs 15:17 

Starting with Rosemary. In The Queen’s Delight of 1695, it was written that, “It comforteth the heart, the stomach, the brain and all the nervous parts of the body”. Actually its medicinal properties do stimulate the brain and nervous system, and calm palpitations. The ancient Greeks discovered that Rosemary benefits the circulation. Add it to roasting lamb and it tastes even better if anchovies are used too. Push a sprig of rosemary, a small piece of peeled garlic and about half a tinned anchovy into each stab in the lamb flesh. Munch on a sprig or two as a breath freshener (that will delight your love partner).

Fennel seems to be more male oriented and is a symbol of FERTILITY. It was given to Roman Gladiators to add to their relish for battle and the athletes of Ancient Greece ate it when preparing for the Olympic Games. Use it to make a delicious salad with thinly sliced onion and tomatoes cut in quarters. The mixing of fennel juice and milk with honey, sugar and liquorice in equal quantities is said to enhance Sexual Vigour whilst today’s Breast enhancing creams often contain fennel and fenugreek, a natural source of oestrogen.

Some more fascinating qualities and uses of Herbs, a gift from Mother Nature

Believed by the Arabs to increase virility, Mint is used today by herbalists for cases of impotence and when infused in hot milk eases stomach pain. Both the Greeks and the Romans knew the digestive benefits of following a large meal with mint tea so our habit of eating after-dinner mints dates all the way back to those ancient banquets! Add a little chopped mint to omelettes and scrambled eggs in the final cooking stage, and how about the ‘hint of mint in Murray Mints!’.

Sage gained a reputation as the medieval gentleman’s cure for all ailments. But as written by Walt Whitman describing the amorous pollen-gathering of ‘the hairy wild bee that…grips the full-grown ladyflower, curves upon her with amorous firm legs, takes his will of her’ on a bed scented by sage and birch-bark. It was valued in Ancient Greece and Rome as a mental stimulant and today’s research is looking at sage to defeat Alzheimer’s disease. Sage in cheese, sage in stuffing for turkeys and pork, and as a tisane to benefit digestion, skin, memory and emotional state. Infuse an ounce of dried leaves with an ounce of sugar, the juice of a lemon and a pinch of grated lemon rind in a quart of boiling water, strain after half an hour.

Thyme is beloved of writers perhaps its name has mystical, creative energy. It is also the symbol of thumos, the spirit of force and courage which was embroidered by ladies on their loved ones scarves before sending them off to the jousts. Shakespeare’s Titania was sleeping on a bank ‘whereon the wild thyme blows’ and along came Puck who dropped the optically deluding liquid upon her lids. Thyme scented bathwater was also supposed to increase the valour of Roman soldiers, and Paul Morel took Miriam out after supper for a quick cuddle on a bank of sweet thyme beside the river at Eastwood. There are over a hundred species of this herb with silver-leafed thymes having the best flavour.

The flowers of Meadowsweet were used by two chemists at Bayer dyeworks in 1897 to produce acetylated spiralic acid otherwise known as aspirin. The Druids used three sacred herbs – water mint, vervain and meadowsweet for what it is not known whilst Elizabethans used it as strewing herbs because of its delicate fragrance. ‘No wonder’, wrote John Gerard, ‘the smell thereof makes the heart merrie and joyful and delighteth the senses.’ Nowadays a lovely touch for wedding night preparations is to arrange for your bedroom floor to be covered with herbs of Venus (erotic love) and Mars (combat). Venus herbs are marjoram, mint, thyme, meadowsweet, verbena, valerian and violet. Scatter basil and broom flowers for the Mars man.

Rich in Vitamin C and calcium, Parsley is known for its warming effects and benefit to the digestion. Hand parsley to any young lady who wishes to become pregnant and, perhaps, as per Nicholas Culpeper suggests, smear fried parsley over aching breasts. The Italian sauce Gremolada is made by sautéing chopped parsely with minced garlic, lemon zest and a squeeze of lemon, spread over braising meat just before serving. A delicious way to enhance Osso Bucco and other meats.

More best loved Herbs and their uses...

“…fair Venus raised the plant, which from the Goddess’ touch derived its scent”
Aphrodite’s sweet breath is reputed to have created the scent of Wild Marjoram and its purpose in Love potions was to relax the inhibited. Ancient Greeks made use of it to cure rheumatism, narcotic poisoning and depression and for its anti-toxic properties. Known as the herb of JOY, it was used by William Shakespeare in his The Winter’s Tale where Perdita tempts an admiring suitor into her power with the prospect of inhaling ‘ hot marjoram, lavender, mints and savory’. For salad dressings, sweet marjoram is delicious whilst for meat based sauces and pasta dishes use wild marjoram.

One of the most loved herbs is Lavender and its name is thought to come from the Latin lavare, by way of the Romans who used it as bath perfume. Legend tells us that Mother Mary dried the baby Jesus’s swaddling sheets on lavender bushes. Lavender water is good for the skin and pinching its flowers releases a little oil which can be rubbed into the most Intimate of places. Lavender vinegar can be made by infusing a few sprigs in a bottle of white vinegar, leaving it on a sunny window ledge for around 14 days and then try a delicious taste treat – sprinkle on fresh strawberries.

So my friends do enjoy your Herbs and use them plentifully and with loving...

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Love Is the Only Thing that I Know.....

I learned a great lesson today about the workings of my body.  How love changes all things and how strong emotions can betray and stop the body healing as quickly as it could.  How judgements come from ourselves and what we see in others is a reflection of what is in us and therefore we are the first one we should forgive...enjoy!  I dedicate this to my much loved brother, Nicholas...


Love is the greatest thing
That I know
You keep it around
By letting it go

Holds all together
Within the body
Love cells fill
Balance and harmony
Rythmic flow

Love is the only thing
That I know

Soulic energies

Child from pillow
Curly head lifts
Welcoming new day
Song of love
Sung again
Levels of knowingness

For we do know
So deep within
Spirit guides
Movement of our beingness
Knowing of man

Spirit Is
Energy sublime
Quality of happiness
Quality of joy
These from Soul arrive


Another key
Forgive your self
For what you have done

No need to forgive others
Only through your eyes
Did they do wrong

In your eyes
Wrongness appears
You judge
Judgement returns to you
Forgive yourself for doing so

True majesty

Children so much closer be
To true majesty
Prior condition to God
To see

Parade earthly riches
If you will
They will die
Left with nothing you will be

Store your treasures in kingdom high
Where eternity resides
Not physical in nature
Those of divinity


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hereYour Heart and Sara Soulati
hereEscaping the Dark Lord...A Lifetime with the Christ
hereWatching Turtles by the Pond...a Meditation on Peace and Tranquillity

youtube for the video and music
The One Who Writes Within
My friends for the pics
J-R for all His Wisdoms
Teachings of the Spiritual Heart

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Nothingness...your beginning...your end...

Pretense of what you do leads to nothing so this piece is about your nothingness...creation and death combined for what is started must be completed and so it will be be no matter how you cry for help...

How Come...

It seemed to happen yesterday
Then perhaps it was today
You came and went
Leaving behind

A song
A dance
Myriad of obtuseness
All you ever knew
Pretended for so long
To be what you never were
Sense of identity
Never realized

Paths to where go they

Imagination running wild
Only as you can
Bringing sense of worthiness
To what

Yet in pastures green
Still grows
Of what you ask

No way for you to understand
Depths of what is written here
Glean any knowing
No way to go

Answers none...

What is asked
Cannot be answered
Deep within it lies
Paths never tread upon

Guidance needed
Not given
Why offer to swine

Wait till day comes
After darkest night
Sun rises
Not for you

Time erases all

Footsteps happen
Moving stealthily
Finding ways

Mixed with grit
Hard as stone
Teeth break

Once white
Now yellow are
Comes for all...

So you go...

Monsters arrive
Three together
Eat all in sight
Theirs to do

Why not
You called
They came
Monstrous indeed

Just returns
Your creations
Now returned
Grinding into nothingness
All you have ever been
Will be

so it is...


Have you tried Wikinut yet? Write about whatever you like and get paid royalties – here

write for wikinut here to bring greater awareness to people
read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything in between by clicking on cnwriter.carolina at top of this page and more
hereFor What Is...Is
hereYour Heart and Sara Soulati
hereRight..Might..or Whatever
hereCosmic Creation...Core of Creation
hereChemtrails...they are going on....

youtube for the video and music
The One Who Writes Within
My friends for the pics
J-R for all His Wisdoms

Writer's Cramp...Oh No No No.....

so many writers complain about not knowing what to write about and writer's cramp!!!!!this piece might help some and others will be most least a little upset...

Up To Me

It is up to you they say to me
To do what is there for you 

No holds barred in all degrees
No matter what the content be

Oh dear I say what shall I do
Nothing is there for me I see
About which to write

So wait I do till it comes through
To write upon my wiki page


Moan and groan I could
As other writers often do

When not a subject can they find
To write about

Instead of letting all the world
Inspire them

Look carefully at that word
In spire

Begins it does with letters IN
A pointer there for all to see
If open up they would to what lies within


Each one of us a font of knowledge
Knowing quite brilliantly
All there is to know

If we allow it 

Sometimes this is not so

Is what some show
Of words and deeds
Suchlike as these

Writer's Cramp

Then writer's cramp appears it seems
Not fingers no but of the brain

Slows down it does and goes to sleep
Frightened maybe of what it may see

Closing down again in-side
Not letting creativity arise

A welling up of words sublime
Put down on paper perchance to rhyme
As I do

Shake yourself awake
You sleepy head

The world is your oyster
To pick and choose the words you use

A great flowering page has then begun

and so it does...