Friday, February 28, 2014

Let the Dead bury the Dead


It always doth amaze me so
How people cannot let go
Let good
Especially those who preach
Of Christ and forgiving ways

If you do not agree with them
A maligned person you become
Even when you say to them
Let sleeping dogs lie
Step into the newness of right now
They cannot


The Christ did say
Let the dead bury the dead
An admonishment good today
What is gone is gone
Why bring back and perpetrate

This the reason why
Religious persons I pass by
For they stand strong in negativity
Do not even know what loving is
Or a pale faint replica....

Might versus Light

Pioneers we Aries be
Moving past adversity
Taking bull by the horns
Not feared to look you in the eyes
Say what needs to be said

Long gone we be
Onto the next and next and next
Endless progression of keeping on
Knowing inside we stand for light
Might is for the ugly ones
As through history we have seen
Again and again

One Day???????

Pariahs they become
Outcast from the hearts of man
Till one day they too will turn
And see the good in everyone
As so many of us do
No matter how long it takes

WE are here to Love and Be Loved
Without which we are Nought...

and so it is

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read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything in between by clicking on cnwriter.carolina at top of this page and more
hereLevels of Soul and Sensuality
hereOn a Rampage She Doth Go..
hereOde to the One who Loves Us ALL
hereThe Word is Said..the Light is Spread

Join me on the sites below:

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Opinions...Sacred Cows Become....

Opinions...Sacred Cows Become....

  • Happenings

    How fine it is to listen to
    The voice that speaks within
    Tells us of many happenings
    Outside ourselves and in

    Fleetly runs the silvered horse
    His mane as white as snow
    Streaming out across his back
    By blowing wind made so

    In sky the sickle moon does shine
    Lighting up the night
    Stars twinkle everywhere
    Planets in motion move

    What Grows

    A stream down center lane doth flow
    Past cottages with thatched roofs 
    Weeds either side do grow
    Spindly and green 

    Flowers every colour every shape
    Aromas scent the air
    Petals scattered on the ground
    Potpourri soon will make


    Children running up and down
    Childlike in their innocence
    Soon as grown ups they will be
    Paradise then lost to them

    Forgetting all their magic dreams 
    Where they could fly so high
    Veil of forgetfullness always falls
    Auras disappear from their sight

    Parents will tell them do not believe
    it's all an imaginative scene
    You cannot do this nor that 
    And this they do believe

    Dead Fish Smell

    Opinions a sacred cow
    Like dead fish smell 
    After a day or two
    Yours too

    Foster them onto small ones
    From an early age
    Do this 
    Do that
    Follow my lead
    As into hell I you take

    Promote What Will You...

    Eat all on your plate
    So obese you can become
    Hate others of different colour race
    More warfare create

    Such sorry happenings you promote
    Opinions will do that
    Like judgements too
    Wing their way back into your face

    Good luck.... need it you will

    and so it is.....

Monday, February 24, 2014

The Age of Gold and Man..Changes Indeed

The Back room

In the back room
Far from invading eyes
Lived a person
Little was she
That is in statue

There was a knock upon the door
She wondered who on earth could be
Her heart beat fast
Her eyes were bright

A tiny hand she placed upon
The door knob stiff indeed
Opened it had not been
For many a long year

Hand of Time

Shut down she had the hand of time
Many many eons ago
Stopped all aging
Growing tall

Instead she chose a life within
Where no one else could find their way
Communication none at all
So very happy she had been

Time had passed
In outside world
Ages indeed
Had come and gone


The world had changed in many ways
The sun its direction had turned
Earthlings now could fly in sky
Gravity disappeared
The seas no longer shade of blue
Water into ice become
Grass covered planet earth
The poles moved in direction too
Standing east to west

No longer hands on arms of men
No use of them had they
All took place inside their heads
And through their three eyes came

Age of Gold

Communicate they did without words
Knowing passed from each to the other
Sensing strong all going on
Pictures formed inside their heads
Creating what they thought

Knowledgeable they bringing forth
Qualities of divine grace
All wickedness had long departed
The Age of Gold happened upon

Into the Sky they soared

She opened up the door a little
Glancing there outside
Wondering who came to see her
Who remembered whom she was

A graceful form stood there in front
His eyes were filled with love
He knew she had waited oh so long
For him to return

Now both were ready to ascend
Into the ethers far above
To share the knowings that they had
With others of their kind

Slowly as they walked together
Eyes did meet
Hearts beat in time
And as their wings grew strong
Into the air they soared
And then were gone.....


Have you tried Wikinut yet? Write about whatever you like and get paid royalties – here
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The One Who Writes Within
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read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything in between by clicking on cnwriter.carolina at top of this page and more
hereTimeless Happenings
hereLord of the Rings
herePowers Latent in Man
hereThe Sword of Might

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Journey to a Place Divine... Found Within Each One It Is...

A Mythical World

Once upon a time
When the world was young
In a country far away
Sun shone every day
Mythical creatures there did abide
Each a being of delight

Seas were blue and pure and clean
Grass everywhere grew green
Flowers climbed into the sky
Every colour every size
So beautiful to see

Harmony and Peace

Here gods and goddesses dwelt
In harmony and utmost peace
Oneupmanship not at all
Each a loving part of whole

Mated them with earthbound folk
Sons and daughters of men were they
Able to alter size and shape
Match so gracefully

One who stood above them all
From a a different universe had come
Bringing forth the keys of Sound and Light
That within Him did resound
Vibrate with different harmonies
Played they did inside and out


All those He touched with fingers light
From His eyes a beam did glow
They felt vibration deep inside
A movement subtle and profound
Never would they be the same again

Yet this always was a choice
They were chosen then chose back
To learn the mysteries of life
Beyond the veil of nothingness

In schools of wisdom they were placed
With other votaries of their kind
Cataclysmic changes taking place
Altering the molecules inside

Veils Do Part

A metamorphosis indeed
Like caterpillar to butterfly
With wings he now could fly
Cross universes infinity

Through time and space
The veils did part
Deep understanding
Then took place
Within each votary

and so it is

Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Creativity of Words and Endings...

Another Way

Will you turn to me and say:
"How can I find another way
I do not know what I may find
Looking at the other side
Fear I run what I may see
Not used to looking up am I
Focused always on what is
In front of me
Most time materiality

Am happy to change my way

If leads to better things
My religion taught me to believe
Only from bible can I find
Where to go I need"

Clear Earthly Concerns

Subtleties are there to see
Learning of eternity
That which dwells within
Each and every one

Clear the mind of earthly concerns
Redirect your thoughts
Paint pictures beautiful
Ones you want to see

Health wealth and happiness
Abundance prosperity
All these start within
Where fount of knowing doth begin


Knowing is a doing process
Knowledge stuck in itself
See how endings can change meanings
ING movement indicates
Ledge a place that does not move

If you will study words
Find delight in how they laugh and sing
You on a road of joy will swing
There again goes that ING

So many more ING s....

So then we ask
What is the highest good
Your answer is
The way that works
Being of service
Caring sharing loving
Oh so many INGs!

Static without it
A sleep state indeed
Stuck in stuckness

and so it is


Have you tried Wikinut yet? Write about whatever you like and get paid royalties – here
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youtube for the video and music
The One Who Writes Within
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My old friend Michael Sun for the words in the summary

read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything in between by clicking on cnwriter.carolina at top of this page and more
hereJourney into Being
hereLetters to Myself
hereWords..Garden of Flowers or Blights!
hereLoss of Dreams


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Verum Dicit...Truth Speaks in Any Language.....But Not By Everyone


Why do you write of this you ask
My answer is because
Too many find their way to blast
We who do not agree

Then there are those
Who of salvation believe
Theirs is the only way
Through a god waving a finger
So often dipped in hate

Hell and damnation scream they forth
Burn kill all who disagree
Just as has been done for centuries

Annals of Time

Read through annals of time
You will see
How altered words and made them wrong
The Roman Catholics did do
And all those silly folk who listened to
Soon started churches of their own
Anglican Lutheran Protestant just some


In ancient Mesopotamian symbols emerged
Tartarian writings they were found
Back 6600 years around 3500 BC

STN defines opposer, adversary, slanderer
Until Christian times the term Satan
No sinister connotation had
He was a member of heavenly court
An Angel carrying out God's dictates

Donation of Constantine changed all that
Threat and trepidation was its theme
A deadly scheme
In Genesis never associated with Adam and Eve
Until re-written as it is today

Bishops and All...

The break in two of Western Churchianity
Came when Luther in opposition went
Objected he to what comes next
Approved it was by Papal Decree
Revenue for the Church
And all its silly men

Absolution they said could be bought
With gifts of cash to churches made
Christian salvation it was called

Hocus pocus I would say
Filling pockets full of gold
Those who walked clothed in red robes


An end doth come to my piece here
Upset so many may have done
But if you cannot accept the truth
Then pity for all and everyone

Choose you who you will follow
I respect
But dont make right what was so wrong
Preaching words that are not yours
Stand up tall in whom you are
And speak truth from your heart

And if you can't say nothing!!!!

and so it is


Have you tried Wikinut yet? Write about whatever you like and get paid royalties – here
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Mesopotamian and Sumerian scripts
My friends for the pics

read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything in between by clicking on cnwriter.carolina at top of this page and more
hereWords..A Garden of Colours or Blights
hereThe Destructions of Atlantis
hereA Journey of Evolution
hereChoose You into Rightess Go


Words..A Garden of Flowers or Blights...Choose Your Assortment

Words Words 

Come with me and let us play
In garden of mellifluous words
Each one a different song to sing
Each one a different bell to ring

Always a different tale to tell
Everything from heaven to hell
And lots that's in-between
It seems
Some words take you on a journey
Travel tales they are called
Others teach you what to eat and drink
How health comes from eating veggies
Some will tell you What to Do
Books with these are filled

Colours = Words

There always is a way to play
In the garden of mellifluous words
Just as colours are every hue
So descriptive words spring through

Dynamic wise and often do
Bring lovely tales into view
Like each colour describes a feeling
Red with anger, green with envy
Words can do the same

Bible belters you will find
Waving sticks of words at you
Conversion name of their word game
Or burn you at the stake they will

Numbers too...

Numbers have way of their own
Each one a quality doth describe
One signifies creativity, two cooperation,
Three expression, four solid foundation
Five freedom, six perfection
And so it goes ...

Yet here we are back to words..
How wonderful!

Let your imagination run wild
Find you will so much delight
In every verse you read or write
Magnificent they can be

Be Happy this is What You Do

Writers a great job they do
Bringing joy and wonder to all who read
Children and grownups too
Fantasy and poetry

Pieces that appear so soon
In magazines and myriad sites
The web is full of them
Be happy this is what you do

and so it is!


Have you tried Wikinut yet? Write about whatever you like and get paid royalties – here
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youtube for the video and music
The One Who Writes Within
My friends for the pics

read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything in between by clicking on cnwriter.carolina at top of this page and more
hereMad Dash into Merrie Olde Engeland
hereA Train Journey through Life
hereThe Master of Words
hereChanging Times

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Destruction of Atlantis...Now History is Repeating Itself,,oh dear me.....


Oh won't you come with me
Beneath the elder tree
Dance with fairies all in glee
Beneath the elder tree

Oh won't you with me fly
Into the starry sky
Ring planets constellations too
Far outside our universe

Oh will you swim with me
Beneath the azure sea
Depths below where we will go
Ancient ruins there do lie

Genetics modified

Waving tendrils high we see
Constant movement endlessly
Growing from crumbled remains
Lost continents that once were named
What's Love Got To Do with Tina Turner
Another time in history
When man again bespoiled the land
Greed and corruption running rife
Just as it does today
Knowledge they to clone
Creating monsters from mankind
Genetics changed the type of man
Food and consciousness maligned


But issued from the Mighty One
This could not carry on
Against the Law of Unity
The Law that was the spoken Word

He came with mighty sword
Struck the foundations of the land
Gods of the water were on hand
To swallow up the damage done

Now that land lies far below
Gathering silt and who knows what
A lesson here for all to know
Only so much is allowed
Retribution then will come

The Damages

Disasters happen every day
Oft made by those who learned so well
How to manipulate and charge
Energies of machines

Deep underground they whirl and swirl
Creating earthquakes up above

On seabed they can be found
Causing tidal waves to inundate land

Up in the sky with fumes and gases
They poison earth
Creating masses
Tornadoes and hurricanes

History repeats Itself

I hear you question what I write
Consider this

With disasters such as these
Powerless people do become
No food nor protection
Nowhere to go
Then at the mercy they are left
Of those who created all these

Greed and power rear ugly heads
Again as in Atlantis

and it is so


Have you tried Wikinut yet? Write about whatever you like and get paid royalties – here
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Wisdoms from within
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read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything in between by clicking on cnwriter.carolina at top of this page and more
hereAges Come and Go
hereA Tale Rarely Told
hereHello Hello Sir Bloody Crow...
hereThor and the Nine Kingdoms..part 3
